Can anyone make 8 paint for me? I accidentally hit the diesel which is 4 hrs and I have 6 hrs to get them done. I wish GI would put the cancel button on these things. Thanks in advance Thank you to whoever dropped off the paint
Really! I will try it with something small..if it works that would be great!Scooter, if you wish to eat the cost, I think you can put the factory into the WH and then take it back out. The contract will be gone. I did this by accident once.
[ city name: Sprawlville level 65 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
My ship will need milkshakes in the morning. I have 20, so I may need a few more. Heading to bed. Thanks to all who helped on my cables and radio components tonight.
Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 55
I have milkshakes for you!!
Dropped my iPad in the tub last night...sound and main button no longer work...looks like iPad Air in December for me!