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BT Memory Card Adaptor 4 ipad..


iPF Noob
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
hey does anybody know any good BT mem card adaptors that work with ipad..

i found one on ebay but it is BT 2.0 and ipad supports 2.1 so i dont think it will work..

BT adaptors are awesome way to have more storage especially now that memory cards are so cheap, 32 gb card 4 like 20 bucks on Ebay!
I don't think you have to jb it, I'm it's Bluetooth and bt is pretty universal!

I mean keyboards and mice work thru bt w/out having to jb, so why not a mem card adaptor?
It might work for pictures and certain "acceptable" file types. I wish Apple, or someone would make a BT camera for the iPad - that would be sweet!

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