Although it may be difficult to accept, as soon as a new widget goes on sale it is obsolete in many ways. This planned obselescence is in fact the point of all consumer industry...3D is where is 4D. The goal is to generate rabid interest in the newest product so that even newer products can be developed while the current one is sold.
I have an IPAD 2 because I wanted one not because I needed one. I doubt there are many people who do actually need an IPAD2. Does this make me one of the sheeple...sure, but at least I know I am a sheep.
In short, buy one, do not buy is up to you. However, be aware that you are buying an ideology and not just some collection of chips and wires. If you choose to be a sheep...that is okay, at least you are conscious enough to realize that you did have a choice to begin with.