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Buy or Wait ?

Buy it now your missing playing time, who knows what tomorrow will bring. You can wait to long. I don't think the iPad is something I will be changing I'll just keep the one I have iPad 2 love it.
Although it may be difficult to accept, as soon as a new widget goes on sale it is obsolete in many ways. This planned obselescence is in fact the point of all consumer industry...3D is good...now where is 4D. The goal is to generate rabid interest in the newest product so that even newer products can be developed while the current one is sold.

I have an IPAD 2 because I wanted one not because I needed one. I doubt there are many people who do actually need an IPAD2. Does this make me one of the sheeple...sure, but at least I know I am a sheep.

In short, buy one, do not buy one...it is up to you. However, be aware that you are buying an ideology and not just some collection of chips and wires. If you choose to be a sheep...that is okay, at least you are conscious enough to realize that you did have a choice to begin with.
when the next ipad does become available do apple allow you to swop for a price?

No - Apple do not offer an 'upgrade' facility. If you want to upgrade then you have to 'dispose' of your old iPad yourself - perhaps via Craigslist or eBay.


Thank you, I wonder how well they hold there value when new models are released, i always get a decent amount for my outdated iphone.

The competition is that Apple sell refurbished models....

haha i asked the exact same thing a few days ago. Ive decided to go ahead and wait for the ipad 3. The recent rumours say a Thanksgiving release maybe - iPhone 5 expected in September & iPad 3 expected in November, could it be true? | iPad 3 Release Date

Im going to use my tablet mostly for watching movies, tv shows on my way to work, and catching up with emails on the train. The iPad 3 seems a better choice for anyone wanting to use the tablet for media viewing. The iPad 3 will more than likely have a hd screen, double the pixels of the ipad 2, and is a huge selling point for consumers like me.

You can always say 'then you will be waiting for ipad 4.....' BUT i think a HD screen is quite a big ugrade and definitely worth the wait
Buy it! Just like someone else posted, as soon as the 3 comes out, you'll be hearing about the 4.

Timleffler - I not getting your point, what are you trying to say? Kidding. There will always be a better, faster, newer shinier model. It depends on what you are going to use it for. People always ask me what smartphone to get and I ask them in return what they will use It for - email, calendar and contacts? Camera? Well they all have that so just get the current one. Point is if you are not going to care if it's HD or thinner or lighter by 5% than just go out tomorrow and get one! If you are very technical or advanced then wait for the later and greatest...
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If there was a new model coming out in September, I would wait. But, we don't know that and it could be next April before you get your hands on an newer iPad. Despite the hype, there really isn't that much difference between the iPad 1 and the 2, and the 2 has only been out for a few months. It's all debugged and ready to go. :)

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