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Upgrade or wait?

do not wait, it will always be a new one..... you will never buy one if you wait for the new one with new features
SweetPoison said:
Try your local Targets.

Use ipad2locator.com. I was able to find what I wanted 20 minutes away from my office thus week after spending the entire weekend store hopping. It is a very reliable resource.
AppleAlias3 said:
Hey everyone

So, I bought my iPad in mid-November and have been extremely satisfied with it since. It is my only computer-type thing and I am just a freshman in high school. With the release of the iPad 2, I have been distracted and bothered by having an "old" device (that's just how i am). I have some extra money around and I could pretty much afford the iPad 2, but the question is if i really need it. I will use video chatting occasionally and use the camera pretty often, and try to use the video camera as much as possible. I really like the design and new faster speeds, but there is nothing very revolutionary, more evolutionary, but i still want it. I am deciding whether i should keep mine and wait for something better, or buy the iPad 2. I know there will be an iPad 3, and probably a 4, but I don't know when, and I'm very impatient. My iPad does what I need, but I still want the iPad 2. Please help me decide!

Considering your iPad does what you want and you only recently purchased it, I would wait for the third iPad

Although I know what you mean re 'old device' lol
I bought the iPad 1, then I bought the iPad 2, most likely I will buy the iPad 3....and so on.. And so on....

Sent from my incredible iPad 2
The trick to iPad and iPhone upgrades is to buy new 1st day. Keep it covered and protected during the year of us. Keep original box and open with care keeping everything in perfect shape.

When the new iPhone,iPad comes out sell the older version the week before and many times you be upgrading for minimal out of pocket cost.

Been doing it for years on iPhone and doing the same on iPad.

We bout several opening day and sold the others to cover the cost of ours.

Just smart business!
Or you can take the long view. Use and abuse your current iPad for 3+ years and wait for the Apps to catch up with changes in Apples environment. (Lion is likely going to be a bit of a game changer)

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