kctay said:If you can afford it get it. It's just like upgrading a normal computer. I mean you aren't still running a 1.2G Thunderbird are you? It's a small incremental upgrade, but it is an upgrade.
That's the exact thing Mr Jobs wants you to think.

But like you eluded to, if you have the disposable income and it's not remotely needed elsewhere, why not, right?
The question one must ask is: Is your current iPad - lacking the upgrades that the iPad2 has, effecting your use or enjoyment of your current iPad beyond just wanting the latest and greatest etc? Besides, just because you have the money doesn't mean it's smart to spend it, correct? My parents taught me this theory many, many, many (did i say many?) moons ago and I am quite financially "well" because of it.
I'm by no means am here to judge how anyone would spend their hard earned cash. And I know that a want/need is different when in your teens/twenties vise mid life... I too find the new pad quite appealing yet realize it wouldn't really enhance my use of the current and it's "small incremental upgrade" doesn't remotely justify the expenditure.
For the person above asking where I found my "deal".
When iPad1 first hit the shelves last year I actually stood in line waiting for a 64GB/3G. Ready to drop what would have been $900+ total with case, cover and tax etc. My inner voice told me to "wait". Today we own two 16GB and a 32GB/3G. $960 total - all in the plastic when I took possession. Craigslist and folks in the Dallas, TX area wanting to upgrade resulted in the new 32/3G for $400. The first 16GB I snagged last summer from a recent raffle winner who obviously didn't know what it could really sell for - $260(pure luck) That was within a week or two of me almost buying the 64GB....
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