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Upgrade or wait?

kctay said:
If you can afford it get it. It's just like upgrading a normal computer. I mean you aren't still running a 1.2G Thunderbird are you? It's a small incremental upgrade, but it is an upgrade.

That's the exact thing Mr Jobs wants you to think. :-)

But like you eluded to, if you have the disposable income and it's not remotely needed elsewhere, why not, right?

The question one must ask is: Is your current iPad - lacking the upgrades that the iPad2 has, effecting your use or enjoyment of your current iPad beyond just wanting the latest and greatest etc? Besides, just because you have the money doesn't mean it's smart to spend it, correct? My parents taught me this theory many, many, many (did i say many?) moons ago and I am quite financially "well" because of it.

I'm by no means am here to judge how anyone would spend their hard earned cash. And I know that a want/need is different when in your teens/twenties vise mid life... I too find the new pad quite appealing yet realize it wouldn't really enhance my use of the current and it's "small incremental upgrade" doesn't remotely justify the expenditure.

For the person above asking where I found my "deal".
When iPad1 first hit the shelves last year I actually stood in line waiting for a 64GB/3G. Ready to drop what would have been $900+ total with case, cover and tax etc. My inner voice told me to "wait". Today we own two 16GB and a 32GB/3G. $960 total - all in the plastic when I took possession. Craigslist and folks in the Dallas, TX area wanting to upgrade resulted in the new 32/3G for $400. The first 16GB I snagged last summer from a recent raffle winner who obviously didn't know what it could really sell for - $260(pure luck) That was within a week or two of me almost buying the 64GB....

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kctay said:
If you can afford it get it. It's just like upgrading a normal computer. I mean you aren't still running a 1.2G Thunderbird are you? It's a small incremental upgrade, but it is an upgrade.

That's the exact thing Mr Jobs wants you to think. :-)

But like you eluded to, if you have the disposable income and it's not remotely needed elsewhere, why not, right?

The question one must ask is: Is your current iPad - lacking the upgrades that the iPad2 has, effecting your use or enjoyment of your current iPad beyond just wanting the latest and greatest etc? Besides, just because you have the money doesn't mean it's smart to spend it, correct? My parents taught me this theory many, many, many (did i say many?) moons ago and I am quite financially "well" because of it.

I'm by no means am here to judge how anyone would spend their hard earned cash. And I know that a want/need is different when in your teens/twenties vise mid life... I too find the new pad quite appealing yet realize it wouldn't really enhance my use of the current and it's "small incremental upgrade" doesn't remotely justify the expenditure.

For the person above asking where I found my "deal".
When iPad1 first hit the shelves last year I actually stood in line waiting for a 64GB/3G. Ready to drop what would have been $900+ total with case, cover and tax etc. My inner voice told me to "wait". Today we own two 16GB and a 32GB/3G. $960 total - all in the plastic when I took possession. Craigslist and folks in the Dallas, TX area wanting to upgrade resulted in the new 32/3G for $400. The first 16GB I snagged last summer from a recent raffle winner who obviously didn't know what it could really sell for - $260(pure luck) That was within a week or two of me almost buying the 64GB....


So we are all "tools" for Mr. Jobs because we simply upgrade? Give me a break. You sound like a depression era baby. And you sound like someone that has never even had their hands on an iPad2. I use mine a lot at work, it is invaluable. Twice the speed is important to me, apps running smoother because of this speed increase is important to me, the lighter weight is important to me.

We also always have the "wait for the next generation crowd", always waiting for the next best thing supposedly around the corner. It all boils down to; can you afford it and will you enjoy it. Don't listen to others "moral" objections to upgrading, that is absolutely ridiculous.

I also find it slightly comical that someone that is so "frugal" would run the risk of buying ANY electronic device off of Craig's List. YMMV
I tried out the new iPad at Best Buy, and really did not feel a difference in the thickness. Probably because the 1st gen is tapered so the thickest part is in the center, where you are not holding on to it. Mine is always in a Hard Candy case so obviously thicker than out of a case.

It was a bit snappier, and slightly lighter, but that's about it for me.

Personally I think the new covers are a joke. They only provide screen protection, nothing for the back or sides if the iPad is dropped.

We are likely getting new iPhones when they are released on Verizon, so really don't need multiple face-time camera devices.

If I did not have one, it would be an obvious decision. But just not worth it to go threw the trouble of selling current iPads, and buying brand new + new cases.

iPhone 3 to iPhone 4 was a better upgrade senerio, with the upgraded Retina screen.
I was in the same position. Had first gen iPad but really wanted iPad 2. I have no legitimate reason to get iPad 2 but I wanted it for the flat back and slimmer body. I sold iPad 1 for 350 and paid the extra 150 for iPad 2. IMO it was a good deal.
kctay said:
So we are all "tools" for Mr. Jobs because we simply upgrade? Give me a break. You sound like a depression era baby. And you sound like someone that has never even had their hands on an iPad2. I use mine a lot at work, it is invaluable. Twice the speed is important to me, apps running smoother because of this speed increase is important to me, the lighter weight is important to me.

We also always have the "wait for the next generation crowd", always waiting for the next best thing supposedly around the corner. It all boils down to; can you afford it and will you enjoy it. Don't listen to others "moral" objections to upgrading, that is absolutely ridiculous.

I also find it slightly comical that someone that is so "frugal" would run the risk of buying ANY electronic device off of Craig's List. YMMV

You obviously took my post the wrong way. And yes, I did fondle the iPad2 several times prior to deciding "no", and several times after.... Damn you Steve Jobs!! :-)

I said nothing about you or anyone else being a "tool" for wanting or desiring to upgrade. I actually agreed with you that if one has the money then why not. My comment about Mr jobs was a small jab sure yet it applies to near all manufactures. They all update and change things to get the consumer to continue purchasing - and there is nothing wrong with that.

And no "depression baby"' "wait for next gen crowd" or financial moral preacher here..... Just some humble opinions
What is actually comical is how when one speaks of "saving" money or being wise with financial decisions it's labeled being "frugal". This country and 90% of its populace wouldn't be in the mess we are if we were smarter with our money.

Craigslist - has nothing to do with being frugal, rather a good deal is a good deal. And you do have to be careful and understand-accept it's pro's/con's.

Bottom line, all of the reasons you mentioned that caused you to upgrade I liked and appreciated as well. I would have done the same if they were as "important" to my use/enjoyment with my iPad as they were with you. They were not thus I chose to wait.

Sent from the iPad itself..

Thanks for all the comments guys! I may have made a silly decision in buying the iPad 2 if I didn't hear some other people convince me otherwise :). I was able to look past the flashy new stuff and see it really isn't that great of an upgrade for me and my iPad 1 does all the things i need it to right now, so I am going to wait for the iPad 3 which is bound to be released in a year or less. It's nice to spend money, but it's better to know you have it :) all your opinions really helped, thanks again
I have Ipad 1.... Just went looking for Ipad 2 for the extra cpu power and ram and can't find one anywhere. Was going to give my old Ipad to wife. Will try another walmart now.
Wait, honestly. I bought the iPad 2 because I wanted an iPad and never had one. However, iPad 3 seems likely to have Retina display or something similar. IMO iPad 2 is evolutionary. iPad 3 will be revolutionary. IMO unlikely. Apple already spent R&D money developing the 2. Also, Jobs indicated that iPad 3 would be for next year.
Wait, honestly. I bought the iPad 2 because I wanted an iPad and never had one. However, iPad 3 seems likely to have Retina display or something similar. IMO iPad 2 is evolutionary. iPad 3 will be revolutionary. IMO unlikely. Apple already spent R&D money developing the 2. Also, Jobs indicated that iPad 3 would be for next year.

I'd pass on the iPad 3, the iPad 4 will blow it out of the water! :)
prwong said:
Wait, honestly. I bought the iPad 2 because I wanted an iPad and never had one. However, iPad 3 seems likely to have Retina display or something similar. IMO iPad 2 is evolutionary. iPad 3 will be revolutionary. IMO unlikely. Apple already spent R&D money developing the 2. Also, Jobs indicated that iPad 3 would be for next year.

Yes, it is very good for someone who did not own the first one. If I didn't have the first iPad it would be a no-brained to get the second. I am content with mine and it shouldn't be too long for the third, but i can wait
These are my thoughts...

I picked up my 32GB WiFi iPad 2 on launch day with little problem. It is my first iPad and I LOVE it!

With all that said, I could upgrade annually if I wanted to yet, for something that does most everything I want, and more, I plan on the two-year plan and picking up the iPad 4 in two years and every other year following.

I have also had all four versions of the iPhone with the fourth as my current unit. I don't plan on getting the iPhone 5 this summer unless it is just so different, and awesome, that I won't be able to help myself. Since I also use my iPad for work, I am going to deduct it from my taxes next year which will give a little help in decreasing my overall tax obligation.

At this point, both the iPad and iPhone have functionality and a 'cool' factor beyond my expectations. I'm gonna slow down so I can get my wife the iPad 2 next month.

All-in-all, I am very pleased with the iPad 2. I am very glad I waited to let Gen1 come and go before I purchased Gen2. It is a much better value and the speed of Gen2 is awesome! I love the magazine versions of my favorite magazines.
What I mean is that the iPad is constantly evolving and changing, which is why it's is a gamble to get the second if a third will be out... But a year seems so long

There will always be something greater, faster, brighter, etc, etc. If you keep waiting you'll never have the experience of owning-at least that's how I look at it! YMMV.:D
prwong said:
Wait, honestly. I bought the iPad 2 because I wanted an iPad and never had one. However, iPad 3 seems likely to have Retina display or something similar. IMO iPad 2 is evolutionary. iPad 3 will be revolutionary. IMO unlikely. Apple already spent R&D money developing the 2. Also, Jobs indicated that iPad 3 would be for next year.

Yes, it is very good for someone who did not own the first one. If I didn't have the first iPad it would be a no-brained to get the second. I am content with mine and it shouldn't be too long for the third, but i can wait

I mean the only thing is that if you are torn between waiting out a year or burning the money then waiting a year in this case is no big deal (much like the iphone 3g to 3gs). Not a very big jump. Next year I expect a very big jump in specs for the ipad. Like one of the posters above I will upgrade every 2 years, so I will likely miss the awesomeness of iPad 3.

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