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Upgrade or wait?

I would wait until and see what 'the fall' brings. I purchased an iPad 2 and yeah it does feel nice in hands but so does my other iPad.

There are rumours of iPad 3 as well in the fall but many people doubt this.
I would wait until and see what 'the fall' brings. I purchased an iPad 2 and yeah it does feel nice in hands but so does my other iPad.

There are rumours of iPad 3 as well in the fall but many people doubt this.

The rumors are just that, but they usually focus on Apple launching a second, smaller size iPad. I read today that many of Apple's competitors have decided the best way to go head to head with Apple is with a 7" tablet.

I think Apple will let them compete in that space and stick with their best game, a new 10" iPad every 11 months or so. Picking the perfect tablet size was one of Apple's definitive moves.
I find the size fine as long as it is not heavy, and I actually doubt the rumored Fall release; too soon, even for Apple. They actually tried to crush the rumors when they said that 2011 is the year of the iPad, then o ce they saw rumors of iPad 3, they specified 2011 was year of the iPad 2. But hey, this could just be them trying to make sure people buy the second and don't wait for a third.
Tarkio said:
Real Racing HD2 ran OK on my iPad1, but on the iPad2 the graphics are pretty incredible. Full-screen antialiasing, better shadow and reflection rendering, and better steering performance due to the iPad2's gyroscope. The next upgrade was built from the ground up for iPad2 as it will have full 1080p, 30fps, 16x9 HDMI output. Graphics will be throttled down quite a bit for the original iPad.

Good points but come on now..lmao. Are u gonna stare at the screen looking for the better shadowing or reflections? Noooo...or even the anti aliasing...nooooo....maybe a new release of the game version might show bigger improvements but right now, hardly any difference looking at them side by side. It plays great on my ipad1 and can't tell that graphics have been throttled down. I only have real deal games, not b.s. Ones. My type of games are NOVA2, Dead Space HD, real racing2 HD, asphault6, Archetype, Splinter cell...high caliber games like that and they all play well on my ipad1. People making it seem like ipad1 games are crap now when ipad2 games only a simple upgrade/ rehash of ipad1 games. Those extra effects such as better shadowing, reflections, and full screen anti-aliasing is cool but it doesn't make or break the difference between ipad1 or ipad2 games. Show me a completely new game made from scratch for ipad2 then we can really start comparing. I'm sure they will be out in due time but dont think for one minute that ipad1 games are just "OK" ;-) remember ipad1 birthed the iPad2. As ipad1 is the parent. Don't make us scold u new ipad2 owners...lmao. U maybe faster/younger but we are wiser and can still keep up....I like this thread..lol
Yes I notice. I mean it's video, all it can do is "look better" right? It looks more photorealistic which may not matter to you, fair enough.

The next update will be the real difference. 1080p full-wide screen racing on my 60" 1080p plasma screen makes me lmao!

Not seeing the difference will save you some money! :)

Of course if I stare at it enough I can see slight differences. Ipad1 graphics are photorealistic as is. Ipad2 having more of a photorealistic look is subjective. I can understand memory issues if apps are crashing. Ipad1 and ipad2 can be compared to car models of the same body style basically. Every year a new model is real eased that might have minor tweaks done to it, whether the engine or body style(ipad2) but every few years there is a drastic change that changes the whole look, outside and inside. This drastic change will come in the form of ipad3. Ipad2 was just a slight upgrade to keep iPad fresh in the minds of people.
What u gonna do once ipad3 drops n people calling ipad2 games n apps crap/just "OK" ? Lol. U might feel the same way about your device.
Don't get me wrong, I know the ipad2 is better n more powerful thn my ipad1. But like I said before, no games or apps have been released yet, that's original and built from the ground up, to take "True" advantage of the hardware. Plain n simple. In due time they will appear. Right now, just slight upgrades and rehash of ipad1 games ;-)
The rumors are just that, but they usually focus on Apple launching a second, smaller size iPad. I read today that many of Apple's competitors have decided the best way to go head to head with Apple is with a 7" tablet.

I can't help but think (having worked in technology vendor R&D departments) that Apple would have gone through all that years ago as part of their background research on deciding which size exactly works best for a tablet. Didn't Steve Jobs already mention somewhere that the iPad was the ideal size they came up with, having rejected smaller-sized screens?
tzimisce said:
I can't help but think (having worked in technology vendor R&D departments) that Apple would have gone through all that years ago as part of their background research on deciding which size exactly works best for a tablet. Didn't Steve Jobs already mention somewhere that the iPad was the ideal size they came up with, having rejected smaller-sized screens?

Yes, he did. 7 inches is no more mobile than 10 in. iPad. It's still too big to fit into pocket. Plus 7 in. Doesn't display browser pages in full glory. 10 in. Does, therefore ideal. I wouldn't even want a 7in. One. I don't know why people seem to believe it's gonna be more portable. It's still too big for pockets.

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)P
Yes, he did. 7 inches is no more mobile than 10 in. iPad. It's still too big to fit into pocket. Plus 7 in. Doesn't display browser pages in full glory. 10 in. Does, therefore ideal. I wouldn't even want a 7in. One. I don't know why people seem to believe it's gonna be more portable. It's still too big for pockets.

Thank you, I thought I saw that somewhere. So much of what people want is subjective, you cannot even try to please everyone. A smaller screen diminishes (in both senses of the word) the user experience; a bigger screen costs more and might create quality control issues, exponentially.

Apple have simply done their homework and said, "This is our visionary device, and we've designed it to be magical" and let it loose on the market - and people have decided.
I just sold my iPad 2 to go back to a $300 iPad . The difference are hardly noticeable . I had an iPad 1 before but returned it. So when I got my iPad 2 it was wow I really went through all the hassle just get a thinner iPad. I mean the iPad 2 is faster but not to the extent of me spending an extra $200. Which will get my iPhone 5. I got my 16 gig iPad from Verizon. Yeah I miss my iPad 2 but I love money I saved that will benefit me later. You really have to sit down and broke down the specs and your user interface with not somebody's on a forum preferences. Think about it a 64 gig wifi only iPad 1 $500 or 16 gig iPad 2 $500. Which is important to you more data or faster performance you decided.
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I have both iPads and the one thing to me that sets them apart is that the iPad 1 crashes while running big games. I can't stand to be playing a game or using an app and....CRASH, back to the homescreen. The iPad 2 has fixed this by having more RAM and better specs.
I was also tempted to upgrade when I heard about the iPad 2, but after reading reviews, I have decided not to after all, since the features in the iPad 2 are not really necessary for me, and anyway, I just bought my iPad 1 and so far, it has suited my needs very well.

Besides, most reviews have recommended waiting for the iPad 3 if you already have the iPad 1, which makes a lot of sense in my opinion.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I Upgraded to the IPad 2 3G 32gb from the IPad 1 3G 64gb it's was a worth while upgrade as My wife got my first Gen IPad :)

If you are the only one using your current Pad and you don't need the extra speed and cameras then wait until the next version comes out then and enjoy your IPad.

Either way both IPads are great products
Aladyleyna said:
I was also tempted to upgrade when I heard about the iPad 2, but after reading reviews, I have decided not to after all, since the features in the iPad 2 are not really necessary for me, and anyway, I just bought my iPad 1 and so far, it has suited my needs very well.

Besides, most reviews have recommended waiting for the iPad 3 if you already have the iPad 1, which makes a lot of sense in my opinion.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Totally agree, gen. 3 is the one to watch. I think that's what I'm gonna do with all apple products.
If you mostly surf the web etc. there won't be much difference. Other than not crashing, my iPad2 runs the apps from my ipad1 at about the same speed. Apps written to take advantage of the iPad 2 graphics power (1080p, widescreen, more detailed rendering) are just being announced. GarageBand is a good hint of things to come as running 8 tracks of instruments really taxed my iPad 1 compared to the seamless smooth operation of the new iPad.
I have been desperately trying to find an ipad 2. I have seen and played with ipad 1's and 2's.

There is no doubt the 2 is faster and better graphics but after researching and looking for apps i was planning on buying not many would take advantage of the new features.

So i am currently looking for a used ipad 1 and have found many for under 400 dollars.

I think it all comes down to if you will take advantage of the new features or not.

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