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Cannot boot 4.2.1 redsn0w tethered after reset

Yes I had this problem. There is a way which you do not need to restore or anything. After rebooting tethered, do it AGAIN!! Works for me all the time!
Yes I had this problem. There is a way which you do not need to restore or anything. After rebooting tethered, do it AGAIN!! Works for me all the time!

What u intend for reboot tethered? I got just white apple logo....
Anyway it's almost 4 days that the iPad is low battery, I will wait until it doesn't turn on even to show the red battery.

Thank u
Ravyu said:
Yes I had this problem. There is a way which you do not need to restore or anything. After rebooting tethered, do it AGAIN!! Works for me all the time!

So you do that and then restore the iPad to factory settings using iTunes and rejailbreak (untethered) if you like.
after 4 days of low battery, i connected again and ... still nothing.... recovery shows the cable itunes logo but no works.... a sort of DFU starts, blank screen, but iTunes no recognize..
I really dont know, i will try with redsn0w now....
andry1234 said:
nothing.... i will try to put in OWM mode.... (OUT of the WINDOW MODE)............

Did you threw it out of the window?

No :) Cause I found another way to use an iPad...... MIRROR..... It's good to use it like a mirror.....

Seriously, I putted it in a box, it's low battery, I will wait one month before trying to connect again...

If I cannot wait so long, I will open it and disconnect the battery for 30 minutes..
I'm not sure if this is the same thing you're talking about, but one time I had a tethered jailbreak that I tried to reset and it got to the Apple logo boot screen and seemed to crash. I thought I had no way to boot tethered anymore as I couldn't get into recovery mode because the iPad would try to boot whenever I plugged it in to the computer.

If you hold the power/sleep button and the home button at the same time, it will shut off for a second and then turn back on (it resets). Use that one second to pretend your iPad is off and begin the button pressing then. In other words, hold power and home until it resets, and once the screen goes black, release them and then start holding only the power button (then after x seconds, the home button, etc). I've done this three times with boot loops and it takes some time to get things timed right, but it works.

Also, these may not be exact instructions. I think they are, but I remember playing with it a lot to get it to work. If you have the problem I described though, it will work.
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I'm not sure if this is the same thing you're talking about, but one time I had a tethered jailbreak that I tried to reset and it got to the Apple logo boot screen and seemed to crash. I thought I had no way to boot tethered anymore as I couldn't get into recovery mode because the iPad would try to boot whenever I plugged it in to the computer.

If you hold the power/sleep button and the home button at the same time, it will shut off for a second and then turn back on (it resets). Use that one second to pretend your iPad is off and begin the button pressing then. In other words, hold power and home until it resets, and once the screen goes black, release them and then start holding only the power button (then after x seconds, the home button, etc). I've done this three times with boot loops and it takes some time to get things timed right, but it works.

Also, these may not be exact instructions. I think they are, but I remember playing with it a lot to get it to work. If you have the problem I described though, it will work.
Oh, I think it's my case...... For reset u intend an "Erase all content and settings" present in Settings???
If yes I desperately need ur help .....
andry1234 said:
Oh, I think it's my case...... For reset u intend an "Erase all content and settings" present in Settings???
If yes I desperately need ur help .....

I'm not really sure what you mean by that. I did nothing like that. I was having trouble with my WiFi, so I turned my iPad off and then turned it back on without realizing that I couldn't boot it without a computer. After that, I had trouble because I couldn't enter recovery mode because the iPad wouldn't stay turned off when it was plugged in to a computer. All of the instructions I read required the iPad to be turned off. Doing the Power + Home hard reset would allow me enough time for it to boot tethered again. Unless I'm wrong, I'd think that setting just deletes your non-essential apps (Cydia is a system app I think) and all you need to do is boot tethered again, because it sounds a lot like the problem I was having.

I'm kind of a newbie though so I don't know.
MM ok.... I didnt just reboot, I clicked on restore factory....... Anyway I will try again what u told me....
I'm thinking to open my iPad, tomorrow I Think i will buy a spudger to open .....
I wouldn't open up your iPad. I'm not sure what the purpose of that would be and it might void your warranty? Give me a second, I'm looking it up.
Try this. http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=644404&page=2

These people were having the exact same problem and theirs wasn't recognized by iTunes either, but they fixed it.

Also this: http://www.hackint0sh.org/f262/195411.htm

Google "erase all content and settings" and there are a bunch of people having this problem. Also add "jailbreak" and/or "loop" and/or "apple logo", etc. (ex: "erase all content and settings jailbreak loop") to get other results. There are many different suggestions it seems and I've yet to see anyone who has bricked it. The results for iPhone should apply to iPad as well.

Without having it in front of me, I'd have difficulty telling you what to do. Like I said, I'm definitely not an expert.. Maybe another forum that focuses on jailbreaking/development would have a better idea of what to do.
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