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"Cannot RESTORE, ERROR 3200" ....After downloading io5...

WAIT WAIT!! Looks like progress! Apple Logo and a dl bar... Could this be the end?
[edit] Restore In Progress!! Sweet. Only 04:27 since first attempt. Now to try to track my iPhone 4S;)
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WAIT WAIT!! Looks like progress! Apple Logo and a dl bar... Could this be the end?

You are so close, my friend... the syncing of the apps will take some time. I did not have too many nor did i have any videos or movies to worry about on my ipad2. So hopefully you go through--you will see a status bar, than the apple a few times. Good luck!:D
I got this error too, I kept at it and my iPad 2 is now updated so Im happy I am pleased with the wireless airplay through Apple tv :-)
WAIT WAIT!! Looks like progress! Apple Logo and a dl bar... Could this be the end?
[edit] Restore In Progress!! Sweet. Only 04:27 since first attempt. Now to try to track my iPhone 4S;)

I've got that far and, it still failed. I guess I have to keep trying or just wait until later.
Is there a way to keep trying without having it go through the whole backup process every time?

I am not aware of any...I had to open itunes/plug my ipad in and press the update each time. I was able to successfully get the ios 5 on at the first hit, but when it began extracting than verifying my ipad-that's where it gave me the error. I received 3 different errors with the attempts.
What is the difference in the cables? I used the black cable from my Iphone and got some really good speed on the download, but when I switched cables to the white one that came with the iPad the download slowed considerably. Still trying to get the download to install and all that, but WTH?
What is the difference in the cables? I used the black cable from my Iphone and got some really good speed on the download, but when I switched cables to the white one that came with the iPad the download slowed considerably. Still trying to get the download to install and all that, but WTH?

This download is very large 75 mg-and it has taken some people 2 hours to just download the update before actually restoring the ipad. This all occurred for me when using the correct ipad cable. It just takes time.
Is there a way to keep trying without having it go through the whole backup process every time?

Yes - wipe it clean. I noticed things worked for me on my new iPad 2 because I had nothing on it yet. I backed up my iPad 1, wiped it, then began trying to install iOS5 - took 3 attempts, but it seems to have worked more quickly than many here (about 30 minutes). I now have it restoring from the back-up, which will supposedly leave the new firmware intact. Time remaining on the restore is 36 minutes...
I shut down my iPad and tried the restore again and it worked. The only thing I don't have is gestures and I haven't seen a new notification yet.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I was having the same problem, read that it was because of the servers and decided to remove all the videos, music, and TV from my iPad 2. It worked fine.

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