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Cannot set up Microsoft Outlook Exchange email on my ipad2


iPF Noob
So, I'm a high school teacher and I would love to be able to access my school email account on my iPad through the mail app. Unfortunately I've tried about 8,000 different combinations of crap while trying to set up my email account on the app and it's still not working. I'm about ready to scream. Please help!!!:mad:
The set up might depend on your ISP. For example, roadrunner is different from every other ISP b/c of the way they handle authentication for outgoing mail. So, who is your ISP?

While you are waiting for people to reply, you might try entering the word email and the name of your ISP company or a similar combination of words in the search field to see if anyone posted a solution for setting up email w/ your ISP.
So, I'm a high school teacher and I would love to be able to access my school email account on my iPad through the mail app. Unfortunately I've tried about 8,000 different combinations of crap while trying to set up my email account on the app and it's still not working. I'm about ready to scream. Please help!!!:mad:

it probably has to do with you being in the activesync group, usually it has to be set up per user.
I am a net admin for a private company and we disable active sync unless specifically requested by a user (have to accept a user policy first). You may need to go to your IT department and ask if there are any special requirements for you to get email on your device.
Do you know both the server and domain? If one of them is wrong, the whole email account won't be able to connect.

The server is usually just the address you would type into a browser to access the webmail. So here is an example of what it might look like:

Server: Schoolemail.higschool.com

Domain: ds.highschool.com

Where highschool.com is the address you type into a browser to be taken to the main page of the schools website.

Your school may use a slightly different exchange setup, if that is the case, it would be best to either mention your high school here, so that someone can take a look, search for "Your school+exchange+email", or ask the IT department for help.
Thank you all - I sent an e-mail off to our technology coordinator two days ago and have still heard nothing in reply. If we didn't share her with two other buildings, I'd simply just walk down to her office.

As far as I know, everything on my end is all correct. It keeps telling me it cannot verify my account information, despite knowing I have the correct server address, username and password all typed in. I don't type the domain in because it's optional.

What is so frustrating about all this is that I had my work e-mail set up on my iPhone last year, but got tired of hearing my phone go off all the time and since I am a teacher, I didn't feel it was necessary to be available by e-mail 24/7. Now I want it on my iPad 2 because it goes everywhere with me, inside and outside the building, and it would be nice not to have to log in through the web every time I want to access it.

I'll keep plugging away with all your advice and keep my fingers crossed that someone in this building remotely cares and actually answers my questions!
are you sure the domain is optional? If you're in an active directory domain with exchange, you probably need the domain in there.
Klfarris said:
I don't type the domain in because it's optional.

I can almost guarantee you, that the domain is not optional, despite the email setting telling you otherwise. If you don't enter a domain, it will only show the Can't Verify Account popup.

Edit: Katoosh, same thought
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I work for the goverment and all i needed was the server. In my case the domain was optional. I can see my work e-mails everywhere.
In searching calendar, it did not find a specific name on the calendar a few months ago ( exact case search ). Does anyone know why?
I drove myself crazy with this problem with my iphone. It turned out our IT department had to "check the box" for mobile access for my exchange account. It worked out of the box with my iPad since it was already set up for my iphone.

Good luck.
I am having the same problem. I was able to setup the account on my Blackberry, but can not get it to work on the IPAD2. Can Apple support help with this?

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