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Cases, covers and accessories

kitkat3709 said:
Does the splash HD effect the screen feel at all? That has been my issue with screen protectors. Thanks!

Sent from my iPad2 32 3G Black :)

Ya know, not really. I know what you are saying though, one of the other ones I tried took away some of the slickness of the screen and I didn't like it. This one feels good but like I said, you can tell that there is a cover on the screen. It's minimal but worth mentioning. It's easy to wipe clean too which is nice. You can even use Windex on it.
s2mikey said:
Ya know, not really. I know what you are saying though, one of the other ones I tried took away some of the slickness of the screen and I didn't like it. This one feels good but like I said, you can tell that there is a cover on the screen. It's minimal but worth mentioning. It's easy to wipe clean too which is nice. You can even use Windex on it.

Thank you. I may hold off for a while. Doesn't really bother me to wipe off with a soft cloth.

Sent from my iPad2 32 3G Black :)
Take a look at this case: more protective than smart covers, and doesnt hide the back of your iPad while protecting it from scratches... I bought one 3 weeks ago and I'm more than happy with my case...

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