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Caution: Newbie in da house!!


iPF Noob
Patience mode: ON Please! Just a few dumb questions: Could someone explain "Hacked" and "Jailbroken"? A hint that I learned for other newbies: I HATE the Itunes search engine for apps. BUT cnet.com in their download section, offers iOS downloads and links to the apple store and itunes! So, for example, if you are looking for an instant messenger app, at cnet you just type in instant messenger and look over the results, without having to have an exact name. Thanks for your time!! //Vic
Hi there Carpy, are you a fisherman by chance with that nickname!?!?

Hop over to our hacking section and read the stickies, some great info there, much that will solve your problems.

Enjoy the forum mate

You can run a google bing search on jailbroken. It's a way to open your device to a different set of features. I jail broke a 3G iPhone so I could use the SIMM card on other carriers. This was very important in my rural area where these main carriers do not serve us here. I could get apps from the app store or find apps that had a different set of features by Indy developers on the jailbreak. It really hinges on what you want to do. Most iPad jailbreakers know what they want to do or run with this feature before they do this. You can restore it to factory or a backup if you don't like the jailbreaks. Most depend on make model and software config to accurately get the right break.

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