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Collectibles - what do you collect.

I have been collecting Antiques for a long time, I have Victorian Beadwork, Samplers and Textiles, My main collecting interest now is Antique sewing tools, this can be anything from Gold and silver thimbles and thimble holders to Needle cases, Scissors, Mother of Pearl bobbins, Silver needle cases....The list goes on and on as there is no end to this hobby. Here are a few examples.

These are just beautiful Ivy......I can see why you would collect them!

Just love the silver needle cases, and that piece in the second photo (just don't know what to call it) but it's so very beautiful!

I would love to see more of your collection! ;)
Well, I was looking at that foyer cherry cabinet posted earlier and the detail of the art pieces on the top were not well seen; so I took a few more pics tonight - the previous photo was an older one - now on the top, are a bear w/ a fish in its mouth (soapstone sculpture; bought in Quebec City on our last vacation there), the dancing walrus (another soapstone sculpture bought in Alaska), and another bear (I think purchased on a trip to Las Vegas). And finally, the wonderful Inuit art work made from a whale's vertebra - Dave :) P.S. please click on the images for enlargement. . <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=56075"/> <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=56076"/>

Just love your soapstone sculptures Giradman! Especially the walrus with his tusks!

I only have 1 soapstone sculpture - a mother with child.


And how good is your Inuit art made from a whale's vertebra! That is just a stunning piece, the more so because of what it is made from! Just love that piece! So glad you did individual photos for these!
Yeah, embarrassing, huh? A lot of them were deals with Warner bros and cheapo on amazon. If you pay attention, many good deals can be found. I still have some DVDs, but have replaced most now. Some titles still aren't available on blu. And I should have said titles, because many are multi-disc sets. I have also ripped most of these to mkv and have them stored in my movie server.

Having reveal all that, you'd think I watch moves day and night. Not true. I living having then and imagine myself watching them one day. Until I started ripping everything, some of them were unopened. I hope that when I die one of my nieces will be enough of a movie buff to want to take my entire collection.

Now, didn't you say you had 4000 CDs? I have like 250 of those. 

Amazing! I'm really enjoying BDs - watching a couple of DVD replacements tonight - I actually watch quite a few movies, so enjoy this new technology!

NOW, yes concerning the CDs - got my first CD player in 1984, so 30 years of collecting (and a LOT of culling/replacements) these audio discs; about 70% of my collection are classical recordings (enjoy that music over a five century span) - this stuff I listen to almost daily but would probably take me over a year to go through the entire 'pile', if I listened 6-8 hrs/day - YES, too many! LOL! Dave :)
Hi Giradman! Such wonderful scents to be sure!

Love Susan's necklaces.....boy she has quite a few! But love the cabinet you've made for them also (yes you did post it once before, but I think the collection of necklaces has grown since then)

Just love your other cabinet also.....something I'd like to try my hand at doing also, well I have made some low book cabinets for my daughters years ago, must be from having a father and a brother who have always done work like this....my brother is a cabinetmaker by trade.

Hi Leelai - well, I thought I made plenty of room to hang her necklaces w/ hangers in the cabinet and also on the opened doors, but she barely made it once filled (as you can see). Great to hear that your brother is a cabinetmaker - he must do some fine work - I'm always admirable about how the 'pros' can make beautiful furniture - Dave :)
Just love your soapstone sculptures Giradman! Especially the walrus with his tusks!

I only have 1 soapstone sculpture - a mother with child.

View attachment 56077

And how good is your Inuit art made from a whale's vertebra! That is just a stunning piece, the more so because of what it is made from! Just love that piece! So glad you did individual photos for these!

Lovely Mother & Child piece - enjoy soapstone sculptures - the media is so versatile. I've always loved my 'Dancing Walrus', so cute! :)

We fell in love w/ that whale vertebra piece immediately; probably something found on a beach (don't know), but so creative - Dave
These are just beautiful Ivy......I can see why you would collect them!

Just love the silver needle cases, and that piece in the second photo (just don't know what to call it) but it's so very beautiful!

I would love to see more of your collection! ;)
Hi Leelai, In the second photo is a Victorian Chatelaine, The ladies would have worn these at their waists, from left to right there is a Tape measure, A Pin keeper ( minus it's velvet pad) Scissors in their sheath, A Thimble bucket ( no thimble) and last an Aide Memoir completes with little Ivory pages, The third photo shows two Mother of Pearl Thread winders, Ladies had these in their sewing boxes and would have wound their silk thread onto them.
I will add some more photos of my (still growing ;)) collection for you.
Hi Leelai, In the second photo is a Victorian Chatelaine, The ladies would have worn these at their waists, from left to right there is a Tape measure, A Pin keeper ( minus it's velvet pad) Scissors in their sheath, A Thimble bucket ( no thimble) and last an Aide Memoir completes with little Ivory pages, The third photo shows two Mother of Pearl Thread winders, Ladies had these in their sewing boxes and would have wound their silk thread onto them. I will add some more photos of my (still growing ;)) collection for you.

Even the name is beautiful - Chatelaine......I did wonder what the last thing on it was - an Aide Memoir....sounds so nice, and to have ivory pages is just so special! What a time they lived in when even the most trivial of items were made so beautifully and with an eye for detail. Just such lovely pieces!

Also wondered what the thread winders were, just love all curios like this and look forward to seeing more! ;)
Here are some more photos of my collection-


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For some reason i can't edit my photos....The little Pin cushion Elephant is Ivory as are the three next to it, The Pin keeper with the picture on was reverse painted on glass, The Victorians were so clever, The Chemists cabinet dates from around 1900 and is my favourite, The little collection of needle cases are mainly Ivory, The ones shaped like parasols have Stanhopes in the top of the handles, that means when you put it up to your eye there is a tiny photo inside maybe a church or a view of a famous place.
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Even the name is beautiful - Chatelaine......I did wonder what the last thing on it was - an Aide Memoir....sounds so nice, and to have ivory pages is just so special! What a time they lived in when even the most trivial of items were made so beautifully and with an eye for detail. Just such lovely pieces!

Also wondered what the thread winders were, just love all curios like this and look forward to seeing more! ;)
I so agree about the name Chatelain, Its French and it means Mistress of the Castle, The history of all these things the Victorians used is fascinating, Nothing was wasted, they found a way of recycling everything, Every scrap of fabric, Animal bone ect was used....
For some reason i can't edit my photos....The little Pin cushion Elephant is Ivory as are the three next to it, The Pin keeper with the picture on was reverse painted on glass, The Victorians were so clever, The Chemists cabinet dates from around 1900 and is my favourite, The little collection of needle cases are mainly Ivory, The ones shaped like parasols have Stanhopes in the top of the handles, that means when you put it up to your eye there is a tiny photo inside maybe a church or a view of a famous place.

You have a wonderful collection....love them all....it was certainly a time when people took pride in their work!

All of it is just beautiful.....love those needle cases and fancy having Stanhopes in them....how good is that! Just so much detail!

Next time I see an antique or collectible shop I'm going to look for some (that's if I can drag hubby there). ;)

Thank you Ivy, I've enjoyed all your pics!
You have a wonderful collection....love them all....it was certainly a time when people took pride in their work!

All of it is just beautiful.....love those needle cases and fancy having Stanhopes in them....how good is that! Just so much detail!

Next time I see an antique or collectible shop I'm going to look for some (that's if I can drag hubby there). ;)

Thank you Ivy, I've enjoyed all your pics!
I'm glad you all enjoyed seeing them, It's nice to get other opinions as not many people understand the interest, I have lots more, its an ongoing thing........ Yes do have a look for some, Here there is always something to find at Antiques fairs and Antiques centres, the only thing that slows me down is price, these kinds of things are expensive, dealers soon cottoned on to the fact that they are much sought after and so prices go sky high, Doesn't stop me too much though :)
Wow! That is a very impressive collection and beautifully presented. That room would look beautiful with the lights on at night!
I believe what Andrew wrote applys to each and every collection posted here! I agree 100% with him! Diane.

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Following on from my previous posts, As well collecting antique sewing tools i collect sewing boxes and other sewing furniture (space permitting) I recently bought a dilapidated Victorian sewing table and restored it, All the materials used are Victorian, The fabric was once a Victorian ladies dress circa 1850, Hope you enjoy seeing the before and after pics :) Oh yes also the flowers are Victorian scraps, I took me ages to arrange them for best effect.


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