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I have a wired connection. ATT installed U-verse tv for me and changed my internet from DSL to whatever I have now. There's a large silver thingy the installer called a "gateway".

Thankies in advance for the help!
Unless the gateway has an antenna on it, you're probably going to want someone to help set it up with wi-fi in your house. The iPad connects fast and free to wi-fi. It is a little bit slower and a lot less free :) to always need to connect through 3G.

Ask a friend or family member for help. You can even print this out so that something doesn't get lost in the translation.
Well, okay so we are agreed then that the iPad does replace the Kindle with ease and comfort?

Are we as agreed that the iPad replace the MP3 player just as well? Seems so, from what all y'all have said.

Just not the cell phone or the pc? Does it fail as a pc because of the touch screen? I'm not entirely sure I followed what Takenover83 said. Do you mean you'd still need an ISP before an iPad could surf the 'net?

Don't they make gizmos these days to let us collect the 'net via WiFi? How come any of us is still paying for an ISP, if that's true?

Please "talk slower" folks...LOL. I am a techy idijit and I am thrilled at the possibilities, but a but uncertain it'll all work just as I envision it.

Thankies for the help. I plan to decide what sort of gadget to buy within the next couple of months.

For me personally ipad does not replace an mp3 player. The beauty of most mp3 players is that you can easily carry them in your pocket and my shuffle I can clip to my clothing and listen to music.

It fails on PC for a variety of reasons. You need a PC to sync to is the biggest one, but additionally you can't do everything you can do on a pc on ipad. I can't play world of warcraft for instance. While there are 10s of thousands of apps in the itunes store, there are still some things my desktop does that ipad can't and some it does better.

Phone, whatever I'm not giving up my phone to be forced to use a headset to talk to people.

kindle, I basically gave up my kindle when the kindle for iphone app came out.
Well, my cheap LG cell phone broke and since I HAD to replace it, I bought a Samsung A177...kinda sorta like the Solstice. So I'll be all good on the cell phone and obviously don't need another new PC right this minute.

So that leaves just the functions of an MP3 player and a Kindle. If I still buy an iPad, how do I download books and music from the 'net onto it? Is there some sort of wire I can use to connect it to my desktop? Surely I don't have to pay for 'net access separately for the iPad after paying for it for the cell phone and the PC?

Thankies, everyone.


So that leaves just the functions of an MP3 player and a Kindle. If I still buy an iPad, how do I download books and music from the 'net onto it? Is there some sort of wire I can use to connect it to my desktop? Surely I don't have to pay for 'net access separately for the iPad after paying for it for the cell phone and the PC?

Hi Madeline,

No, you won't have to pay to get on the net at home. As I said, the best thing to do is to get Wi-Fi (wireless) in your house. Cheap, fast, easy and no monthly fees, and works over your current internet connection.

You buy books and music inside iTunes. Totally easy. There are other ways too, but iTunes makes it so you don't even have to think about it.

Did you read this? http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-faq/3470-ipad-absolute-beginners.html
Especially read the part about Wi-Fi and 3G

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