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Cracked the ipad screen, got a free replacement from the apple store

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How can so many ppl lash out at apple cause they or their kids broke their iPad and apple want money to fix? Go out and cut the seats and phone gm and demand a free seat. Jesus ppl think about it. They COULD charge u full price for a replacement.
Kimmiecan said:
Made an appointment at the genius bar. Told entire story - I was almost in tears - the employee looked at me and said "you must have that backwards - it must have gotten so hot that your child dropped it, right? Wink, wink! Because that way I can cover it under warranty". Went behind the counter and gave me a brand new iPad.

Yesterday I've experienced a worst thing of last days. At morning I was hurrying up and running to catch a bus to my uni. Didn't notice that my backpack was opened and iPad has fell out of the backpack straight on a pavement. A whole corner was smashed with a long crack going through a bottom part of device, but happily I kept it in a hard case so it minimized a size of waste. I was upset and the only person I could blame was myself.

Next thing I did was browsing this thread and then I got a hope with a mistery replacement by Apple. I did not expect this, I didn't demand it, that was my last chance to be happy back after that incident. I made an appointment at Genius Bar and had a talk with nice woman - genius. We were talking about my studying, which apps I use during studies. Nextly I told her my sad story, and then she took my iPad and said "oh, and home button stopped working because of finger pressure, right?" I immediately agreed with that and started to play her game. In the same moment another apple genius said to me with smile: lucker! I smiled then as well as already catched what is going on. She said she can't officialy replace my iPad as Apple warranty doesn't cover screen cracks, but she can do this when it is home button fault and a screen has cracked because of finger pressure (LOL). Then i had to sign something that mentioned a replaced device could be repaired with refurbished parts. Well, I don't care, most important for me now is to have fully working iPad regardless of parts inside. I got iPad replaced, it came from a brown paper box and has slightly noticeable marks but I just saved about 200 pounds of repairing costs. On the end she only said to make sure my backpack is always closed.

I was just wondering about Apple advantage of that behaviour. I don't believe in good intentions of Apple Geniuses, as when Apple would know that their workers are giving away their devices on a left and right, they would probably be kicked out of that job. This is kind of policy but anyway I am ****ing happy that I got iPad replaced and I do not have to worry about cracked screen anymore. Some of you probably haven't got similar experienced as it probably depends on particular device, its costs and availbility. But I must say that: Apple is really genius company.
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Jarson said:
Yesterday I've experienced a worst thing of last days. At morning I was hurrying up and running to catch a bus to my uni. Didn't notice that my backpack was opened and iPad has fell out of the backpack straight on a pavement. A whole corner was smashed with a long crack going through a bottom part of device, but happily I kept it in a hard case so it minimized a size of waste. I was upset and the only person I could blame was myself.

Next thing I did was browsing this thread and then I got a hope with a mistery replacement by Apple. I did not expect this, I didn't demand it, that was my last chance to be happy back after that incident. I made an appointment at Genius Bar and had a talk with nice woman - genius. We were talking about my studying, which apps I use during studies. Nextly I told her my sad story, and then she took my iPad and said "oh, and home button stopped working because of finger pressure, right?" I immediately agreed with that and started to play her game. In the same moment another apple genius said to me with smile: lucker! I smiled then as well as already catched what is going on. She said she can't officialy replace my iPad as Apple warranty doesn't cover screen cracks, but she can do this when it is home button fault and a screen has cracked because of finger pressure (LOL). Then i had to sign something that mentioned a replaced device could be repaired with refurbished parts. Well, I don't care, most important for me now is to have fully working iPad regardless of parts inside. I got iPad replaced, it came from a brown paper box and has slightly noticeable marks but I just saved about 200 pounds of repairing costs. On the end she only said to make sure my backpack is always closed.

I was just wondering about Apple advantage of that behaviour. I don't believe in good intentions of Apple Geniuses, as when Apple would know that their workers are giving away their devices on a left and right, they would probably be kicked out of that job. This is kind of policy but anyway I am ****ing happy that I got iPad replaced and I do not have to worry about cracked screen anymore. Some of you probably haven't got similar experienced as it probably depends on particular device, its costs and availbility. But I must say that: Apple is really genius company.

Most excellent story and congrats on a successful transaction to replace worn home button. Proof that there are some awesome people out there...just have to take luck and effort to find it. Happy hunting to all

Sent from Scooter, my White Verizon 32GB iPad using iPF
Unfortunately that era has ended from my experience today. Hope everyone else has betterluck but new.policies.are arrogant
I agre with you. Selling an irreparable product and with.sharp glass screen and marketing it to kids creates problems on many levels. We were also.disappointed with our dealings with the Genius Bar and manager with.our.cracked.2 mo. Old ipad. Who knew glass was replaceable on iphone but not on ipad. And that the screen is not safety glass.
You are so lucky! One of my kids must have dropped mine; I had no idea how it got cracked. It cost me $400 and they replaced the ipad.
Hi everyone. I been an Apple Fan for 3 years now. My first ever Apple product was the shuffle from Apple. I love it so much I still have it and I wouldn't change it for the world. Unfortunately my brand new white IPad 2 drop 4 days ago and got a crack on the bottom right side. It's just 1 month old and it was my favorite thing in the world. It is hard to look at it because I love it so much I tread it like my baby. I love the look at it so much, it is always hard to look at it with the crack and you can't do anything about it. I will try to do my best to take care off it and I highly recommend it. Number 1 big fan off Apple.... :-)
My cracked screen problem and replacement quote at well over half the price of the product new just five weeks ago has finished me with Apple sadly. Phone up for replacement next month and will be Blackberry or Android, not a newer version of my current I-phone.
My cracked screen problem and replacement quote at well over half the price of the product new just five weeks ago has finished me with Apple sadly. Phone up for replacement next month and will be Blackberry or Android, not a newer version of my current I-phone.

If you find another hardware company that will outdo Apple when the owner cracks the screen, please share.

I'm a consumer mercenary, so am open to switching. I doubt you'll find better CS, but happy hunting and let us know if you can do better.

I figure Apple is pretty smart about making money, and if they figure they can't make money by replacing hardware for less than they already do, they'd be happy for you and similar customers to go to their competitors.
I understand that accidents occur and that things become damaged. It has happened to me, when I least expect it, but only after having a device for a few years.

However,what blows my mind is how quickly one purchases or receives their ipad...and than days/weeks later, it has a broken/scratched screen issue. To me, having such an expensive device deserves care when in use or better yet who is using it. In addition, a protective cover, sleeve or something is also of utmost importance as well from the day you purchase a device like this. Create a protective barrier for it. Perhaps these factors were in place and the damage still occurred. Than in my mind you did the best you could to protect it.

Money does not come off the money tree for most of us-though I wish it did! The ipad is an expensive device-we all know that. We work hard for our earnings and save for what we want. Maybe considering some of this up front may help to reduce risk of damage so early on. I don't mean to offend anyone here. I feel bad for all that have experienced damaged screens, etc. However, it is hard for me not to think this way when I read some of the comments.

Just me thinking out loud. :o
skimonkey said:
I understand that accidents occur and that things become damaged. It has happened to me, when I least expect it, but only after having a device for a few years.

However,what blows my mind is how quickly one purchases or receives their ipad...and than days/weeks later, it has a broken/scratched screen issue. To me, having such an expensive device deserves care when in use or better yet who is using it. In addition, a protective cover, sleeve or something is also of utmost importance as well from the day you purchase a device like this. Create a protective barrier for it. Perhaps these factors were in place and the damage still occurred. Than in my mind you did the best you could to protect it.

Money does not come off the money tree for most of us-though I wish it did! The ipad is an expensive device-we all know that. We work hard for our earnings and save for what we want. Maybe considering some of this up front may help to reduce risk of damage so early on. I don't mean to offend anyone here. I feel bad for all that have experienced damaged screens, etc. However, it is hard for me not to think this way when I read some of the comments.

Just me thinking out loud. :o

Good thoughts - correct thoughts...
biller007 said:
How can so many ppl lash out at apple cause they or their kids broke their iPad and apple want money to fix? Go out and cut the seats and phone gm and demand a free seat. Jesus ppl think about it. They COULD charge u full price for a replacement.

Yeah!!! I don't get these infantile rants about not getting a free iPad because they or 2 year old Junior broke them. Very new generational entitlement complex / attitude. If I went to apple asking for help with an iPad that I accidentally dropped I would be thankful for any assistance I got with a new one. This does NOT happen with ANY other retailer that I know of.

All this free iPad stuff is subjective to the location of the store and the manager on duty. Some of us are luckier than others I guess.
skimonkey said:
I understand that accidents occur and that things become damaged. It has happened to me, when I least expect it, but only after having a device for a few years.

However,what blows my mind is how quickly one purchases or receives their ipad...and than days/weeks later, it has a broken/scratched screen issue. To me, having such an expensive device deserves care when in use or better yet who is using it. In addition, a protective cover, sleeve or something is also of utmost importance as well from the day you purchase a device like this. Create a protective barrier for it. Perhaps these factors were in place and the damage still occurred. Than in my mind you did the best you could to protect it.

Money does not come off the money tree for most of us-though I wish it did! The ipad is an expensive device-we all know that. We work hard for our earnings and save for what we want. Maybe considering some of this up front may help to reduce risk of damage so early on. I don't mean to offend anyone here. I feel bad for all that have experienced damaged screens, etc. However, it is hard for me not to think this way when I read some of the comments.

Just me thinking out loud. :o

I protect this thing like it is the last iPad on earth. I cannot afford to replace as this was a gift!!!
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