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Cydia Mobile Subtrate Update

See f4780y's link for information on the hosts file.

Also, the way I understand it, you can't go back from 5 to 4.x if you've got an iPad 2 3G (WiFi only is ok), since upgrading to 5 changes the baseband, and you can't get that back to 4.x, even if you have the SHSH blobs.

Where is this file? I tried so many times and kept getting errors. I I'm on 5 and would live to put back 4.3 3.
Ok I found the below in this directory. C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. gs.apple.com

But when I open up the file all lines have the # in front of them. This file says

# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

Where is the actual file that I need to fix?
What are you trying to do? More importantly, what is your computer NOT doing?

Ok I found the below in this directory. C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. gs.apple.com

But when I open up the file all lines have the # in front of them. This file says

# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

Where is the actual file that I need to fix?
Do ALL of them have # in front of them? Including the gs.apple.com line?

Ok I found the below in this directory. C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. gs.apple.com

But when I open up the file all lines have the # in front of them. This file says

# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

Where is the actual file that I need to fix?
For sure. But I'm not sure the hosts file is the issue here. It sounds like he already on 5 and trying to get back to 4.x, in which case, there are a whole lot of other things in play, and he actually would want the server spoofing.

Just do what f4780y advised, it's so much easier.
Managed to fix mine.. managed to get it into safemode via SSH, happened to be caused by the PKGBackup app, uninstalled in safe mode, resprung and everything seems to be working again. Thank god :)
this is my way to fix this problem...
if you can successfully boot the ipad, although you are not able to open any app (they are also smaller size and any click will trigger reboot), try to launch sbsetting.
press respring, then hopefully it can open as normal. then go into cydia, delete "Direct Closer Pro" and "Barrel", respring. it should be all done. even if you reboot the ipad it still work fine.

this was all i did this morning... hope it can you help u guys to save the life of 4.3.3!
OK I seemed to have fixed the problem on my ipad2 running 4.3.3 after the cydia update.. So after many reboots with trying to open apps and trying to enter safemode with no luck, I went to springboard settings and hit respring! and walla... that seemed to do the trick..Now everything is working as it should be.. good luck hope this helps.

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