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Do you regret jailbreaking your iPad?

For some the iPad itself is a center for their attention; they tweak it, set it, configure it and change it to their heart's content. And that's fine with me.

But when all that is done what do you do? The same thing as it was meant to straight from the box. Use content. I put my energies on that first, set it up for reading, music, communicating, creating and just enjoying what I put in it. I do that more than I did with my computers.

I still wish I could do serious CAD furniture drawings on the iPad...:)
So, Ivan ~ did you JB yours?

No, not interested. I used to do stuff with computers and found out soon enough that it was a compulsion that was never rewarded. I always felt that there was more to do, that it was more important than what the computer/tool was meant to do.

It's like owning a car. You can buy one, repaint it, change or tweak the engine and tranny, put a tail to it. But in the end, all you do with it is go from point A to point B. I just go straight to doing that, I prefer driving the car to working on it.

I put my money on buying books, music and spend time using them to my heart's content instead of tackling frustrating barriers...
Would you say if you did? I think you would ~ if only to help the fools that messed it all up. I would fall into that no doubt.

Of course I would. My iPad runs clean as a bell....you just have to remember that when you jailbreak some apps that are made for iPhone won't work....some of those that change system properties could potentially break your OS...none of this is irreversible tho.

I have installed apps that didn't work and would crash to safe mode....but once you are in safe mode you uninstall the offending app and all is well again.

Just because an app is unstable doesn't mean they all are. I have many system apps installed now that are perfectly stable (backgrounder, SBSettings, SmartScreen, Displayout, FullForce, Activator, BrowserChanger, CyDelete, LastApp, Veency, Winterboard, etc) and many non system apps that work just fine too, like iFile, Unimivideos, Installous, Rock)....just read reviews and make sure its compatible before installing!

Cydia reviews are brutally honest, if an app doesn't work, is a virus, scam or otherwise, it will be explicitly pointed out in cydia, also check google to see compatibility.

Overall as long as you pay attention to what your doing (just like the not babysat OS's like windows and mac) you will be fine.
I tend to agree with iVan. It does all that I want unbroken. I've done a JB on my Apple TV and it's a hassle every time there's an update to the OS.
I have a few young male co-workers and at every staff meeting I hear:

"So, Marie, have you JB that baby yet?" "I will do it for you, just say the word"

Or ~

"You just don't know what you are missing, Marie!" "Just do it!"
So you are saying that a bunch of other counselors are telling you to bow to peer pressure and do it their way? Its your iPad and you can do whatever you want with it! I mean do you tell them what kind of fish to put in their aquarium???
I jail broke mine right when i got it in 3.2 with spirit jb, no problems.

When jailbreakme.com came out i jail broke mine after updating to 3.2.1 no problems.

Jailbreaking is amazing, I jailbreak so many iphones of my frds/coworkers/bosses and they are totally fine.

I have a feeling it is what you do after the jailbreak that matters, some jailbreak apps are just not compatible and can brick your device. And to know which apps are safe and which aren't is a bit of a hassle because i came from a jailbreak background from iPhone 3GS so I know tons about it before buying my iPad.
I jailbroke my iPad for about a minute before I restored it. The iPad works fine for me, so I have no reason to risk anything by messing with it.
I jailbroke mine and restored it back the next day. I wanted to do it because of Categories, but after downloading and organizing apps in folders, I didn't like it. It didn't work well. Example - I created a media folder and put the Videos app in it. Well when I clicked on the folder the video app turned into the iPod app.
I put my money on buying books, music and spend time using them to my heart's content instead of tackling frustrating barriers...

I agree. I am just so fascinated by it.

....some of those that change system properties could potentially break your OS...none of this is irreversible tho.

Just because an app is unstable doesn't mean they all are. I have many system apps installed now that are perfectly stable (backgrounder, SBSettings, SmartScreen, Displayout, FullForce, Activator, BrowserChanger, CyDelete, LastApp, Veency, Winterboard, etc) and many non system apps that work just fine too, like iFile, Unimivideos, Installous, Rock)....just read reviews and make sure its compatible before installing!

Cydia reviews are brutally honest, if an app doesn't work, is a virus, scam or otherwise, it will be explicitly pointed out in cydia, also check google to see compatibility.

Overall as long as you pay attention to what your doing (just like the not babysat OS's like windows and mac) you will be fine.

Okay. Tell me something, please ~ all those apps that you listed up there, what makes them so special? Why are they only available when you JB?

Yep, just 2 days ago :)

Oh wow. What was it that ultimately sent you to the dark side?

I tend to agree with iVan. It does all that I want unbroken. I've done a JB on my Apple TV and it's a hassle every time there's an update to the OS.

I didn't know you could JB a TV.

So you are saying that a bunch of other counselors are telling you to bow to peer pressure and do it their way? Its your iPad and you can do whatever you want with it! I mean do you tell them what kind of fish to put in their aquarium???

Lol. Actually, I have set up an aquarium for a few:D. They just tell me that the iPad could be so much more if I did JB. They all JB their iPhones.

I jail broke mine right when i got it in 3.2 with spirit jb, no problems.

When jailbreakme.com came out i jail broke mine after updating to 3.2.1 no problems.

Jailbreaking is amazing, I jailbreak so many iphones of my frds/coworkers/bosses and they are totally fine.

I have a feeling it is what you do after the jailbreak that matters, some jailbreak apps are just not compatible and can brick your device. And to know which apps are safe and which aren't is a bit of a hassle because i came from a jailbreak background from iPhone 3GS so I know tons about it before buying my iPad.

You sound like a pro! Have you ever totally killed something?

I jailbroke my iPad for about a minute before I restored it. The iPad works fine for me, so I have no reason to risk anything by messing with it.

I'm confused....you only JB for a minute? And then put it back?

I jailbroke mine and restored it back the next day. I wanted to do it because of Categories, but after downloading and organizing apps in folders, I didn't like it. It didn't work well. Example - I created a media folder and put the Videos app in it. Well when I clicked on the folder the video app turned into the iPod app.

Oh shitums.

I regret reading this thread, lol...:p

Lol!! Hilarious. Have you done the deed yet?
There, I fixed it for you!

I have a few young male co-workers and at every staff meeting I hear:

"So, Marie, have you JB that baby yet?" "I will do it for you, just say the word"

Or ~

"You just don't know what you are missing, Marie!" "Just do it!"

OR ~

"I am really a shy computer nerd and I really want to go out with you and I figured that offering to jailbreak your iPad would be a good way to get to know you better."
There, I fixed it for you!

I have a few young male co-workers and at every staff meeting I hear:

"So, Marie, have you JB that baby yet?" "I will do it for you, just say the word"

Or ~

"You just don't know what you are missing, Marie!" "Just do it!"

OR ~

"I am really a shy computer nerd and I really want to go out with you and I figured that offering to jailbreak your iPad would be a good way to get to know you better."

You are a nut!:)

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