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Do you regret jailbreaking your iPad?

You are a nut!:)
Sometimes you feel like a nut --

and sometimes you don't --
No reason for the moment to JB. I would do it but for the moment Cydia doesn't give me a proper reason to do it. If you have one please share it with us.
You sound like a pro! Have you ever totally killed something?

I am by no means a pro! The devs are the pro! I'm just a heavy user for iPhone and ipad lol

I have never bricked any device before and Ive jail broken at least 5 iphones including my frds and coworkers, and jail broke my ipad twice on 3.2 and 3.2.1.

I always just follow these steps:

1. Transfer purchases and sync apps in iTunes. The jb app Chronus can backup app info too, don't want to lose game processes!
2. Always keep a firmware .ipsw downloaded on my computer that i know works for sure.
3. Use pkgbackup to backup my jail broken apps, springboard layout and jb app settings.
4. Sync with google my contacts and calendars.

If anything goes wrong and i installed a jb app without reading all the warnings, then I simply just boot my device to dfu mode, restore it to the firmware i stored for safe keeping, sync the apps, restore with pkgbackup.

And done!

I always follow this list to know what works and what doesn't for iPad: http://spreadsheets.google.com/lv?k...ASS&sortcolid=-1&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250
No reason for the moment to JB. I would do it but for the moment Cydia doesn't give me a proper reason to do it. If you have one please share it with us.

Backgrounder, lets you actually run apps in the background.

Ifile, let's you treat your device with a folder structure.

Pwntunes, makes your device bootable via USB on PC like a memory stick, and you can also dump mp3s and it'll sync with the ipod app.

Mywi, more for my iPhone, but makes my iphone into a wifi route for anyone I'd like to share my 3G with, including my ipad.

Winterboard, iconoclasm, theme that ipad! Its beautiful!

Sbsettings, let's you have a tiny control panel instantly so you can turn off and on wifi/Bluetooth or reboot without going into a lot of menus.

Wifisync, lets you sync with itunes via wifi, no USB cable required.

Multiiconmover, move more than one icon at a time!

chronus, save more than one save file for apps, lol i use it for games.

My most favorite app has to be ifile. I download something from FTP with goodreader, take that file in ifile and put it in the oplayer app directory now it can play there!

Edit: also PDF loading Warner, allows you to block that pdf security exploit, funny how a jail broken device is now more secure than a regular device. I guess until apple releases a software update.
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You sound like a pro! Have you ever totally killed something?

I am by no means a pro! The devs are the pro! I'm just a heavy user for iPhone and ipad lol

I have never bricked any device before and Ive jail broken at least 5 iphones including my frds and coworkers, and jail broke my ipad twice on 3.2 and 3.2.1.

I always just follow these steps:

1. Transfer purchases and sync apps in iTunes. The jb app Chronus can backup app info too, don't want to lose game processes!
2. Always keep a firmware .ipsw downloaded on my computer that i know works for sure.
3. Use pkgbackup to backup my jail broken apps, springboard layout and jb app settings.
4. Sync with google my contacts and calendars.

If anything goes wrong and i installed a jb app without reading all the warnings, then I simply just boot my device to dfu mode, restore it to the firmware i stored for safe keeping, sync the apps, restore with pkgbackup.

And done!

I always follow this list to know what works and what doesn't for iPad: http://spreadsheets.google.com/lv?k...ASS&sortcolid=-1&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250
Wait, what? I didn't say that!?! That was SP!
I do not regret jailbreaking the iPad but to be honest when iOS 4 comes out for the iPad, I will move to iOS 4 without any reservations whatsoever.

For me, personally, there are many more reasons to preserve the iPhone's jailbreak status than there is to preserve the iPad's jailbreak status, and iOS 4 means more to me than a jailbroken 3.2.1 means to me.

But that's just me.

I do not regret jailbreaking the iPad but to be honest when iOS 4 comes out for the iPad, I will move to iOS 4 without any reservations whatsoever.

For me, personally, there are many more reasons to preserve the iPhone's jailbreak status than there is to preserve the iPad's jailbreak status, and iOS 4 means more to me than a jailbroken 3.2.1 means to me.

But that's just me.


Wow. Let's recap, shall we? :o

When iOS4 comes out, exactly what does this do to the ones that DID JB? Are you saying that there is no reason to JB once that does come out?

Or am I just missing it all together?:o
Two things (among many others) iOS4 will do --

1) Allow you to group apps (12 I think) in folders. Let's say you have a lot of games. Instead of having them spread out all over, you can just put them in a folder called, I don't know... Games for instance, and that way they will be easier to find.

2) The other biggie is multi-tasking or being able to have several apps open at once. For instance, I have the Whistle phone app. It works great, but the app has to be running in order to receive calls. If I want to do something else on my iPad, I have to close the app and therefore, won't be able to receive (or make) calls. So this way, I can open Whistle and just let it sit in the background waiting while I peruse the posts here on the forum.
Yes I am jailbreaked and love it, would not have it any other way, no I do not regret it, you hear people asking for help those are the few who have had issues, I m sure there are thousands like me who had no issues and therefore do not post about it we are too busy enjoying the jailbreak, why not go ahead jailbreak now then when OS4 comes out wait for the jailbreak then do it again ? I m sure many will be doing that just as I will.
Oh. Okay ~ so check it out: When I open Yahoo Messenger, which I use often for work ( and personal :D ) I have to close it to do anything else. And that logs me off.

I think.

And what you are saying is that this won't happen when we get the new operating system?

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