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DocAS 2.0(Goodreader+Notes plus) is in App store now.Fantastic release.Deal Now.


iPF Noob
★★★★★ DocAS 2.1 is in App store now. Limited time on sale ★★★★★

Link: DocAS ? Docs organizer, Handwriting, Note Taker... for iPad on the iTunes App Store

what's new in 2.1?
★ Added Select/Edit/Move feature for Text-input object, and enhanced copy&paste feature for Textbox;
★ Added Bookmark and go to page features;
★ Added Zip archive file support;
★ Fixed Zoom performance issue;
★ Fixed Google_Docs importing issue;
★ Fixed PDF auto-add-page issue;

what's new in 2.0?
★ Brand new UI design(App Logo and all UI elements are upgraded),More elegant and professional.
★ DropBox is supported
★ Wrist guard(Palm Rest)is supported
★ Text/Shapes objects move/re-size/delete is supported
★ Arrow shape is supported
★ Magic eraser(Object eraser) is supported
★ Left-hand writer user experience is supported
★ Significant performance improvement for drawing,zooming and all-sided functions
★ Enhanced turn page experience
★ Enhanced "Open-in DocAS" experience
★ Support Italian and Portuguese language
★ Fixed several critical bugs(like: open-in feature, PDF orientation issue...)



Left-hand writer experience
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Looks very good but as I've already brought good reader and notes plus I wouldn't want to spend anymore :)

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Some additions to make it a killer app...

1) Improved Note taking capabilities: Even if you were to include a notes application like the standard notepad on the Ipad it would improve the user experience. The way it is now, it is hard to type notes and go back to edit them. The stylus function is great, but i prefer to type my notes. The Noterize app is a nice combination of your current notebook and the standard Ipad Notes app which i think is a good compromise.
2) I love the "Send page by email function." It would be good if on the slide bar below, you could check off additional pages to include in email - in case you wanted to include more than one in the email.
3) The interface is very easy to use. However, I now have many folders running across the bottom of the screen. And the two options for document lists are user friendly but both options have large icons. My suggesion would be a third look - which is more of a list system. Folders down the left hand side and list of documents down the right. Very similar to the look of ReaddleDocs. This makes the management of a large number of documents and folders easier.
4) Improved highlighting functionality like Goodreader for pdfs.
5) Bookmark function missing
6) Potential for accessing more than one dropbox or googledocs account without logging off of the one account you have.

This has the potential to be the best app on the market. I just needs some slight alterations.
Sftp and webdav support would be good

Both FTP (I dont know if it is sftp) and webdav support is already in the app, based off the very first screenshot.

It looks nice, but as someone else said - I have Goodreader and Notes+, why would I need another app to do the same thing? Dont get me wrong, were this available when I got GoodReader or Notes+, I would have probably gotten this app to save the money.

Does it do something GoodReader and Notes+ doesnt do? I realize it is one app, not 2, so please dont use that as the only example.
Thanks so much, Somerled
Really sorry this tagline wording make some confusion. We will be careful for it late.
Our DocAS App provided Document reader + PDF annotator + Note Taker + Handwriting. It is an all-in-one App. Our target is DocAS will include all functions which GoodReader+Notes Plus had now. This can provide more value to users since current iOS doesn't provide file browser to organize file conveniently.
Thanks again.
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DocAS 2.1 release is available in App store now. Cheers.

★ Added Select/Edit/Move feature for Text-input object, and enhanced copy&paste feature for Textbox;
★ Added Bookmark and go to page features;
★ Added Zip archive file support;
★ Fixed Zoom performance issue;
★ Fixed Google_Docs importing issue;
★ Fixed PDF auto-add-page issue;
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9 square workshop said:
DocAS 2.1 release is available in App store now. Cheers.

★ Added Select/Edit/Move feature for Text-input object, and enhanced copy&paste feature for Textbox;
★ Added Bookmark and go to page features;
★ Added Zip archive file support;
★ Fixed Zoom performance issue;
★ Fixed Google_Docs importing issue;
★ Fixed PDF auto-add-page issue;

*Constant* improvements. Though I haven't used it as much as I should, I very much like the look and feel. Keep up the good work!

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