PLEASE!!!! Everyone who is having issues getting supplies from visiting friends or moving friends into your bunker needs to let G5 know!!! They can not fix a problem they don't know about or think is only affecting a few. Please visit this link and submit a request on your issue. They will respond! They responded to me the next day.
Thank you!! I have been so frustrated with this game lately. I love it, it's so addictive and I am at level 105. I can no longer collect supplies from friends or accept friend requests or move friends into my bunker. I have had money disappear when the game seems to have a little hiccup and had VIPs who have told me they would give me gold but wound up giving me 0+ when they hot their destination floor. My question is did they help you at all or simply say that it was not a widespread issue. They really should visit this forum to see all the issues we seem to be having.
Thanks again