I've added a ton of neighbors and they show in my invitations tab, but they have a clock icon in the corner. No one seems to be responding and I think I'm missing a step. Does anyone know what that means? Please add me! Bunker #
Underground - Root Cellar
Bunker - Climbing Wall
Shelter - Barber
Water - International Food
Storage - Laboratory
Food - Canteen
Doomsday - Pet Room
Disaster - Museum
Prepare - Cowboy Bar
Security - Perimeter Defense
Camo - School
Spiderhole - Bakery
Survivor - Party Room
Camp - School
Hazmat - Homebrew
Also I found out the when the VIP gets on the elevator and you do not like what they are offering just select X and the will get off. Once VIP is back over there heads just move the again until you get whatever you are looking for. I get the Gold.