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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

I think I need to hire a DV babysitter...today is my "day off"... Lets see, I ran to a friend/beadwork clients house within minutes of getting up to finish up 4 necklaces she ordered ( she needed to see what I was doing and I had to make sure they were the exact length she wanted). Got there and she had me go with while she did the photo & paperwork for a passport, then to a store because she needed to meet her daughter and buy some earrings. Finally got back to her place, got 3 of the necklaces done...just about to check my DV, got a call from someone in the ministry I volunteer for asking me to meet them in a few minutes to talk about a project she is assigned & needs help with..so hop in the car & head back into town to meet her over chips and dip. Head home, contact a head of the ministry to get more details, waiting on her to call back tonight. Spent one hour decluttering house as part of spring cleaning ( plus after being laid up or on crutches for most of the past 2 years and unable to do much here...spring cleaning and decluttering is a must, I have help coming Fri. Night but the clutter has to be gone before then) still have my apps to take care of, an email account to go through and start compiling a database of snail mail addys for 1,000 people, documentation from 4 clients yesterday yet to do, the phone call to do....might fit some supper & DV in there edgewise before I go to bed in 4 hours as I have to be somewhere by 7:45 AM tomorrow morning...

Prime example of why I rarely post...my work days are even busier!
Just a small peek into my world.
K, this is kind of funny - but has anyone noticed the dragon's tongues? My favorite is the Mud. I noticed it one day and since then I've been looking at all the tongues because they usually are a contrast in color. :)
Fletch_smf said:
Two of my slots in my Hatchery are taken up with a Rainbow and a Panlong. Bred two 8 hours overnight for cash. Then this morning I throw in a couple of Sandstorms for some quick cash. 2 hours later, there was no room in my hatchery ... I had to spend 6 gems to clear a slot for it.

I feel dirty ...

(who is deeply sorry for offending Veelund and altraeis)

Lmao .....what does that say you think about the likes of me and poppy speeding all the time lol .......just a question fletch but what do you do with your gems if you don't speed up lol

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Haha imagine if they show a popup as we are loading DV that says we are sorry but we are having difficulties and all game info has been lost then it flashes to your islands with a new message "april fools " lmao a lot of us would really freak x x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

God, I almost had a heart attack reading this, i can't even imagine how I would feel if i actually saw that message ,lol :)
Cox780770 said:
Wow it's along flight I believe!!! make sure your tired when boarding lol then you can sleep through most of it sounds like a lot of fun though ,are you going with family or friends x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Myself, my partner and a friend to start. We head to Hong Kong first then to Paris and finally two weeks on a canal barge in the south of France. We then fly to London where our friend leaves us and then we do the UK leg and to the US where we are doing NYC, DC, San Fransisco, San Diego and then LA before heading home. Two months away and will be awesome!!!!! 2 1/2 weeks to go and getting very excited.

Cox780770 said:
Lmao .....what does that say you think about the likes of me and poppy speeding all the time lol .......just a question fletch but what do you do with your gems if you don't speed up lol

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Well the HC cost 75 gems to upgrade fully ... so just collecting them for the next update, really. I have about 250 atm, so should be right for whatever they spring.

Just another reason people should stop sending them to me.
Cox780770 said:
Wow that's amazing and it hasn't been as long as I thought it would take so kudos to you!!!! what's your GCID x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Well done. I have just got my last shrine to silver and that was effort enough lol. Now for the long climb to gold. Don't even know where to start hahaha

dragonwish said:
K, this is kind of funny - but has anyone noticed the dragon's tongues? My favorite is the Mud. I noticed it one day and since then I've been looking at all the tongues because they usually are a contrast in color. :)

Yeah my daughter pointed out the Mud's tongue to me. Very cool.
Lady_Zeresh said:
I am sorry for your loss. I too have lost all my grandparents. I offer you my condolences. I still have 3 more shrines to get to silver level and one is a long ways off...so I keeps working at it. I just hope anything for Easter will be really really nice to me and not make me work my hinney-bo end off to get.

GC ID: LadyZeresh from iPod...soon to be iPad.

Thank you Lady Zeresh. And I am so sorry for the losses of your grandparents. I have lost others, but he was like a dad to me, so it was a little harder than expected. Plus I was with him holding his hand when he took his last breathe. Wish you the best of luck on your remaining shrines and I too hope that whatever is new comes easier to us all! Best of wishes and luck!

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone
Waglia said:
Finally the second sandstorm has decided to grace my islands- quake and air ( thanks for the tip Fletch). So I have now 2 of each dragons. Update please.


Damn, I have been doing air + quake with no luck. Will try the other way around now.

SnuggleTM said:
Good Afternoon Everyone! Just got all excited unexpectedly. I was racing around this morning and the breeding notification came up for my number two account so I logged out of account one and went into account two. I put two pairs in to breed and one of them was taking to long to tell me what it was, so I ignored it and went to see what the other one was doing. In the meantime the notification for my breeding Airs came up in the other account so I logged out of account two and went back into account one. Off to work. Later I got a notification that my breeders had finished in account two but I didn't have time to check them. Just went in and clicked on them and was trying to make up my mind whether to try something different in an attempt to get my second Clover and then I checked my eggs and WOO HOO!! a beautiful little Clover egg sitting there for me.* I hadn't even realised he was on his way ... best feeling ever.* Thrilled to bits :) :)

Huge congrats!!!!! Woohooo

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone
sunfresh said:
Hi, it has been awhile since u were away.. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure he has reach eternity in heaven and free from all pain!

Hey there! Yes, it has been about 2 months now. Thank you, and yes...he is definitely in heaven free from suffering. He suddenly had a heart attack and then another followed by a triple bypass, a stroke, and then another heart attack before leaving this world on his terms in hospice.

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone
Skaala2903 said:
Hey Frenzzz, got my second Sandstorm yday evening and my second Clover this morning.. Now, i have 2 of each except RAINBOW..
I don't even have one and i'm finding it too difficult to breed.. I just need one..
Whats the latest hot combo for Rainbow, pals??

If you have panlong, try panlong and plant. It seems to work well for me.

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone
kl005204 said:
finally i got my clover...after about 20++ failures. i think i lost count. alot of trees...i think i can put them as my decoration. Flower 10 + moss 7

Congrats :)

Tiffany xoxo

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