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Pictures of my sons Nico and Andy cute little buggers but can be pains in my a** LMAO

Hi Viviane...

Earlier in the day, in anticipation of the new iPads (BTW that's what it's called - the new iPad, not iPad 3) arrival, I synced my old iPad <g> with my PC. When the new arrived I turned it on (it had a 90% charge - Apple touches every base) and it went through a few welcome screens then asked me to plug it in to my computer. I did that and, voila, n a couple minutes it was done. I do have iCloud (which I love) so that's probably what it used to sync up contacts, email, browser settings and the like. But in a very short time the new one was matched up with the old one.

I've been a PC person since the early days because I thought Apple's products were to closed and too expensive. But that's one religious war that's over - Apple has won. I noticed Microsoft is making a big time app for the iPad which seems like capitulation.

Thanks Poppy, taking note. I will very likely buy a "new IPad" in a couple of weeks. (naming it new ipad gives the impression it is the last one, or is the next one supposed to be called: the newer new ipad ...).
I was never tempted by anything from Mac and the two times i was confronted with one was totally puzzling. Unfortunately, the mother of my little friend who comes to visit me, bought a Mac, toured it and no no no, not for me.
However will start to be complicated with MS, am sticking to winXP Pro, hate vista and even more win 7.
Oh, i was doing research on donation apps and I learned itune gets 30% of the sales. As I guess ipads, iphones or apple products had donation apps that they discontinued. I guess that's not good PR keeping 30% of the donation as a service charge.

I thought to share this as we had a discussion about "jb" in previous post.
Segbert said:
Tony, they are adorable buggers! How old are they?

Was this taken with your iPhone?

Love the gloves? .LOL

Andy just turned 6 and nico will be 8 end of June and yes taken with iPhone

Hi Viviane...

Earlier in the day, in anticipation of the new iPads (BTW that's what it's called - the new iPad, not iPad 3) arrival, I synced my old iPad <g> with my PC. When the new arrived I turned it on (it had a 90% charge - Apple touches every base) and it went through a few welcome screens then asked me to plug it in to my computer. I did that and, voila, n a couple minutes it was done. I do have iCloud (which I love) so that's probably what it used to sync up contacts, email, browser settings and the like. But in a very short time the new one was matched up with the old one.

I've been a PC person since the early days because I thought Apple's products were to closed and too expensive. But that's one religious war that's over - Apple has won. I noticed Microsoft is making a big time app for the iPad which seems like capitulation.


One thing about Apple....they hold their value better than PC. I sold my older iMac which was about 2 yrs old and lost about 100.00. My daughter sold a macbook that her brother gave her and it was probably between 1-2 yrs old and she only lst about 100.00. They were both sold on ebay. I was shocked to say the least. That's been a few years ago so I don't know if it's the same or not now.
It was so funny watching the initial draw. I thought they were dancing beans LOL. A stylus pen would make it easier, but it just a fun game. Should we start another thread for this game?

It is funny. I was all over the pace with that first one trying to get the hang of it. Looked like a retard I bet! Lmao. That may be a good idea on the new thread...
Well, it's official. I reached level 30. Now I can use some of my hoarded cash to summon the last island and maybe completely redecorate. Ho-hum.

{GC ID: royal w/cheese}. sent with my iPhone using iPF
Birdmaestro said:
Who's Ed? :D


Exactly why I needed to quit reading the forum and go to bed. Can't type, or anything else for that matter, when I'm tired.

{GC ID: royal w/cheese}. sent with my iPhone using iPF
I would play draw something with you kids but I am absolutely terrible. All my friends just say I'm the worst. But I am big on words :) not going to lie... Pretty killer ha!

Fletcher made about 27000000 million over a day. Think I'm going to stick with pans. Not a chance I can generate enough food for lesser breeds. So the neeze is sticking with sandies and pans.

And on the profile pick own face breakout... Too shy. Just imagine a tall gangly grey haired mid twenties fella

Can't be any worse than my drawings! Lmao

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