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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Segbert said:
See Poopy, you did not know you already been incorporated into the game. It was a good clue.

Poopy? Too funny!

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dragonwish said:
Do you think they will come out with a surprise April Fools dragon for a few days at the end of March like they did the LYD? Also don't you think the new update will be in April? Why would they come out with a Easter dragon in March? The clover appeared around the first of March right? So don't you think the Easter would appear around the first of April? unless it doesn't give people much time to acquire the bunny dragon considering Easter is about a week from the first. I don't know...just wondering and waiting! :)

April fools dragon will probably start another mass 'panic' like the LYD. I don't know if they would want to do that because some already felt that LYD was a cash grab, so two in as many months? Depends what type of business BFS is! Lol

As for Clover starting beginning of March, it still gave us two weeks to try. If they started the Easter start of April, it would give us less than a week and a half to get it, and even less if they did a April fools dragon!

I guess the only thing we can do is wait and see!

I would love it if for April fools they brought back past dragons for 24 hours so you could try and breed them!!! I missed out on all the specials before LYD.

GC ID: Steffany_W
April fools dragon will probably start another mass 'panic' like the LYD. I don't know if they would want to do that because some already felt that LYD was a cash grab, so two in as many months? Depends what type of business BFS is! Lol

As for Clover starting beginning of March, it still gave us two weeks to try. If they started the Easter start of April, it would give us less than a week and a half to get it, and even less if they did a April fools dragon!

I guess the only thing we can do is wait and see!

I would love it if for April fools they brought back past dragons for 24 hours so you could try and breed them!!! I missed out on all the specials before LYD.

GC ID: Steffany_W

That would be nice, but imagine the panic it would create as 24 hours is too short. In reviewing past dragons launches, love, reindeer, bones, they all stayed weeks after the actual day. It would not surprise me if clover is on the market until April 1st.

Not only we need multiple new dragons, but a game plan to keep the core original players interested in the game. More habitats, goals that are attainable. As right now collecting coins to feed to gold is not really interesting.
Cox780770 said:
We got up to 43 we ain't doin bad ay Tony lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Nope pretty good

hazzarrd13 said:
No it's not. If you have specific stuff you want to ask about feel free to butt in. We are filling time waiting here in virtual space 24/7 for someone to ask so we can fulfil your every request. Lol

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13


Segbert said:
Not only we need multiple new dragons, but a game plan to keep the core original players interested in the game. More habitats, goals that are attainable. As right now collecting coins to feed to gold is not really interesting.

Agreed. I think Dragonvale is growing faster then anticipated - (they have jumped up more then a million players since I joined a month & 1/2 ago) their snowball is turning into an avalanche! I know coding can take weeks if not months to perfect - I bet they are scrambling to keep up! I wish they would hire more people to get the updates to us faster considering how voracious we are!
Segbert said:
See Poopy, you did not know you already been incorporated into the game. It was a good clue.

Ha!! So funny!!! Rofl! But then again having three boys 6 & under will make you extra aware of the hilarity of the word "poopy!"
I would play draw something with you kids but I am absolutely terrible. All my friends just say I'm the worst. But I am big on words :) not going to lie... Pretty killer ha!

Fletcher made about 27000000 million over a day. Think I'm going to stick with pans. Not a chance I can generate enough food for lesser breeds. So the neeze is sticking with sandies and pans.

And on the profile pick own face breakout... Too shy. Just imagine a tall gangly grey haired mid twenties fella
Segbert said:
That would be nice, but imagine the panic it would create as 24 hours is too short...
Isn't that part of creating a successful game? Creating a panic ensures more $$ spent. We are under no obligation to spend $$ but what compels us to "own" a new dragon? I am as hooked and addicted to dragonvale as you guys are and I can't get over the genius of the game!!
mc_neeze said:
I would play draw something with you kids but I am absolutely terrible. All my friends just say I'm the worst. But I am big on words :) not going to lie... Pretty killer ha!

Fletcher made about 27000000 million over a day. Think I'm going to stick with pans. Not a chance I can generate enough food for lesser breeds. So the neeze is sticking with sandies and pans.

And on the profile pick own face breakout... Too shy. Just imagine a tall gangly grey haired mid twenties fella

Booooorrring need a picture lol

Agreed. I think Dragonvale is growing faster then anticipated - (they have jumped up more then a million players since I joined a month & 1/2 ago) their snowball is turning into an avalanche! I know coding can take weeks if not months to perfect - I bet they are scrambling to keep up! I wish they would hire more people to get the updates to us faster considering how voracious we are!

I hope they are making an effort to keep the game interesting. Unfortunately my personal experience with the Internet companies they come and go very quickly. It's always a short term plan or they are in survivor mode. The Internet is only 20+ years old. Within that time AOL lost to Yahoo and Yahoo lost to Google. Who will be the next big thing.

You think BFS or any other gamer would want to continue to be innovative. As I can only imagine DV being a cash cow now.

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