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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

FWIW, I just got my second Sun dragon by breeding a Lichen with a Magnetic.

Extra credit to anyone who can figure out why I was breeding those two.
FWIW, I just got my second Sun dragon by breeding a Lichen with a Magnetic.

Extra credit to anyone who can figure out why I was breeding those two.

* Raises Hand *

Maybe trying to string together the four non Pan Long Elements? I have also been trying Mine / Cactus along with your combo. Probably should hold off...
m1ssy said:
LMAO... I did the very same thing, including a post just like this. I started naming them (ex: love1, love2) a couple of months ago, because I was getting confused when counting and breeding.

After reading the original post about the names, I flipped over to DV and went to my friends, finding the dragon names are actually the type of dragon, not the name we gave them. WHEW... I'm safe from others lol'ing and thinking "WTH has she done". LMAO I'm sure others would be confused cuz they don't all have a "simple" name.

Good Luck & Happy Breeding


Lol. Right there with you guys! Although I started out using the numbers back in January when reading about the possible gene theory. It really has made it much easier to keep track of all the dragons and is a great help when I'm working on shrines!!! Great luck to ya both!!!

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one
* Raises Hand *

Maybe trying to string together the four non Pan Long Elements? I have also been trying Mine / Cactus along with your combo. Probably should hold off...
*DING DING DING* Mr. McSneeze, you are correct! Yes, I've been trying Mine/Cactus, too. No luck so far.
TommyB said:
I only really liked one of my islands - the forest path one. Was coming up on a new island soon. LYD had just come out-ish. Figured a fresh start would be neat. So I sold every dagon except rares/limiteds, kept also my first dragon ever (Fido the Plant dragon), sold every decoration and building and habitat that you can (kept shrines, colosseum, couple boosts, gem tree, HC, some things you can't sell), stated over from scratch.

The thing wasn't about getting money for me, or more of the same dragons. It was about chasing after the dragons you need. I saw all the folks really enjoying (and being frustrated by not getting a dragon is part of the enjoyment, you realize) chasing after Love, Rainbow, Moon, Sun, Sandstorm, then especially LYD, etc., and realized that I could extend that to all the dragons from scratch.

I like my new islands much better. Still working on two of them, and kinda waiting to earn more money to finish etc. And I still don't have all the dragons. Off the top of my head, I still need Sandstorm, Frostfire, all but the basic Metal, couple others. Slowly going after all silver shrines - still need Water, Air, and Metal, which are also the three elements I don't have all the dragons for yet/again, so it all kind of works together: the thrill of the hunt + happier with my islands + new Metal dragons + shrines. Not as mathematically interesting a system/goal as some of Mr. Smurf's posts, but definitely a system accomplishing many goals in a very synergistic as well as enjoyable manner. FGI.

I personally am very impressed!!!! Way to keep yourself content with the game! Love it!

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one
Strange behavior. It keeps track while it's still in the market and unpurchased. It keeps track if it's been bought and you sell dragons. But not if it's not been bought yet you sell dragons?
So I checked the un-bought (I'm poor) Metal Shrine in the Market. 3 level 10s listed in it for me, even un-bought. I brought another Metal to 10, and it went up to four. Sold it, and the shrine went back down to three. Weird. I wonder if they stay once you've bought it, cuz I've levelled and sold a zillion dragons for the other shrines and their numbers haven't changed back down.

I guess it doesn't really make any difference exactly how it works. The only reason I care is because I'm trying to understand thegame-mechanic reasoning behind it, something I can't help doing. It'll float around in the back of my mind until I figure it out.
So I checked the un-bought (I'm poor) Metal Shrine in the Market. 3 level 10s listed in it for me, even un-bought. I brought another Metal to 10, and it went up to four. Sold it, and the shrine went back down to three. Weird. I wonder if they stay once you've bought it, cuz I've levelled and sold a zillion dragons for the other shrines and their numbers haven't changed back down.

I guess it doesn't really make any difference exactly how it works. The only reason I care is because I'm trying to understand thegame-mechanic reasoning behind it, something I can't help doing. It'll float around in the back of my mind until I figure it out.

It only starts counting after the shrine has been built in your park. Looking at the shrines in the market it will show you how much Just won't be able to get them "Locked in" Until you put that bad boy on your islands.

I added you Tommy is your GCID TommyB?
Bmo321 said:
I had the same problem - I got a tree and a moss with the two tries I gave the cold+tree combo. Decided to avoid that road after the forest I built for Clover! So I threw a Reindeer and a Plant in (for no reason other than I figured my downside was a Reindeer and I can use one for my shrine grind) and got a Lichen. Hope this helps! Good luck!

Awe... Congrats!!! Too bad I wasn't able to get the reindeer. :(. But doing the happy dance for you!!

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one
WraithSA said:
Just went broke getting a silver plant shrine but now I have it and it's my first silver so I'm happy :D :D I'm nearly done fire and earth but no money for food :'(

I so know the feeling!!! It took what felt like forever for me to get all my silver shrines. Was furiously working on gold, now the update and no money or food. Luckily Fletch helped me with a little plan for dragons now. Will still take a long time, but I know I will get there! Hang in there and sell what you don't need anymore, it's fast cash!

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one
hazzarrd13 said:
Me tooooooo. Note to self :- must try lottery it's more likely than pay rise. Lol

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

Boy isn't that the hard core truth!!! ;)

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one
I got myself in a jam. Since I don't have a lightning habitat the next obvious thing to do if I want to breed a magnetic dragon is to use a hybrid with my metal. So I stuck a panlong in the HC, got a quake out and stuck it in the breeding cave....24hr crystal :(

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