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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

For future reference, I paired a Level 15 Storm with a Level 10 Metal, resulting in a 10 hr incubation, and what I believe is a Mine Dragon egg. It is a light blue egg, with copper colored hexagons. Perhaps the Storm's cold element was dominant in this particular instance.

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Breeding for Cash

I was lying in bed last night going to sleep, thinking about DragonVale, as you do, and I was thinking about the Cactus Dragon ... 30 minutes for 100 000. I thought that's a pretty reasonable return on investment, started doing some sums in my head, and realised that it also earns more than Air/Sandstorm breeding, at least in the beginning. Working is below.

Cactus Dragon, 100 000 for the first hour, then 100 000 for every 30 minutes after that (as you can pop them back in the breeding cave while the next egg is hatching). So:
100 000 - 1 hour 100k/hour
300 000 - 2 hours 150k/hour
500 000 - 3 hours 166k/hour
700 000 - 4 hours 175k/hour

In the same 4 hours a Sandstorm has only earned you 500K or 125k/hour. It's a lot more labour intensive, having to check the game every 30 minutes, but if you have a peak time of 4 hours or something when you're going to be online sweeping habitats anyway, breeding Cacti Dragons is better than breeding Air/Sandstorm. However, after that point they also have the advantage of breeding again whilst the egg is hatching, so their hourly rate increases as well. Let's compare:

6 Hours
1.1 million - Cactus 183k/hour
1 million - Sandstorm 166k/hour

Still haven't caught up here, for the sake of one extra Cactus Dragon and the 100 000 it would bring. But the real interesting thing occurs at the 8 hour mark

1.5 million - Cactus 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Magnetic Dragon 187 500/Hour

I find it hard to believe that's a coincidence. After that point they all continue to increase their hourly rate, but the Magnetic Dragon is increasing it by the larger amount because it is now taking advantage of "breeding whilst hatching".

12 hours
2.3 million - Cactus 191 666/hour
2.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 208 333/hour
3 million - Magnetic 250k/hour

So ... what were you thinking about in bed last night?
vampi64 said:
Wow! That's a lot of driving! I'm 10 mins from work and I'm still always late!

But the bad part is I live and work in chicago... All that and I never leave the city....

Sent from. Tricia xoxo
tristan97tfj said:
Just redid all my islands, cost me more than 10 million, hope you like it, tell me your thoughts:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

I love the island with the rainbows and the shrines!!! :D
Just finished my Metal island and absolutely had to put a Volcano. That is really cool with the animation.

Right now just going for silver metal shrine. Breeding Magnetics leveling to ten and selling them. I figure it cost about 500k to level a dragon one to ten and when i sell them i get 1.5 million. So I am making 66% of the cash as i go for fifty.
TommyB said:
FWIW, I just got my second Sun dragon by breeding a Lichen with a Magnetic.

Extra credit to anyone who can figure out why I was breeding those two.

Searching for that secret dragon?

Tony GCID troutfisher10
iBunda said:
wow I miss 200 page from my last post. Get carried away with Three Kingdom :). I lost some of my friends list in DV but not in GC, does anybody ever experience this before? and what's new in DV now? any new dragon that is not in the market yet? it's a bit boring lvl up shrine right now..

Those ppl who are missing have not updated yet they will reappear as they update x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Bmo321 said:
You'd think BFS would know we need personal emails or a phone call or something wouldn't you!?!?!? LOL

Yes lol or like a notification that there is an update waiting lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
TommyB said:
Tommy B's Dragon Land

Crystal Island

Please use caution while visiting Tommy B's Dragon Land, as much of the park is still under construction. Some weird magic going on - don't get turned into a Cactus Dragon or nuthin! Cuz, wow, they're ugly. I mean, seriously ...

Welcome to Crystal Island.

There has been a flurry of activity around Tommy B's Dragon Land of late, and that is due to the arrival of a brand-new island. As noted earlier, our magnanimous founding wizard, Tommy B, has spent a great deal of time sourcing the hunk of rock for the park's next island. He would not settle for just any ol' chunk of basalt or granite. While Tommy B's Dragon Land (a stupid and unoriginal name for a park, but don't tell him that!) is home to a huge number of unique, amazing, rare, and fascinating dragons, he also wanted the park itself to stand out.

Somewhere in the strange depths of Australia's arid interior, where normal people wouldn't imagine ever going, Tommy B stumbled upon what at first seemed to be a rare but random vein of powerful crystals, nestled high in the mountains. He refuses to reveal the exact location, but we can tell you that this place was about between the Dundas and Queen Victoria Spring Nature Reserves, east of Kalgoorlie and west of Rawlinna.

Upon further inspection, it turned out that this was no simply natural vein of crystal, but in fact a lost and ancient site of wizardly ruins! A small bowl of rock high in the mountains was shot through with rare yellow crystals and strange crystalline metal structures. And spread around these outcroppings - some of which seemed natural and other seemed somehow groomed - were the ruins of an ancient wizard's keep.

Very little is left - a couple of run-down buildings which Mr. B. has restored, many seemingly-cultivated outgrowths of crystal and hematite-like metal, and lots of strange brick and even gold flagstones. As you wander about the island, you will see what must once have been a large paved area, perhaps used as a forum, or for wizardly experiments, or even for primitive dragon duels, a forerunner of today's Colosseum events.

Tommy B has left much of these ruins alone, enjoying rather the play of nature and order. Several wondrous sorts of lightning dragon and metal dragon can be found on the island, some of which have never been seen by wizardkind before! All of whom have taken quite nicely to the natural crystals and metals in the island.

But what attracted Tommy B most to this hunk of rock was not just the beauty of the crystals and metals, and not just the calm yet inexorable way in which nature is slowly retaking the ruins, but that the yellow crystals and reddish metals are really quite powerful, well-suited for experiments but even better used as focussing tools to harness and enhance Tommy B's magics! But what seemed to be a windfall was actually to pose quite a problem.

Whenever Mr. B. tried to focus his magics on the area, in order to separate it from the surrounding rock and lift it high into the sky for transportation, the crystals began to shine, and then to reverberate, threatening to shake the ruins apart! Not only that, but the six-sided metallic veins absorbed so much magical energy from the spell that they began to really heat up, and the whole island was in danger of melting!

Our amazingly brilliant, yet ever humble, founding wizard, however, had a plan. After much calculation, and lots of intuition, Tommy B particularly placed perfectly three astrolabes, situated specifically to harness and control the magic of the spells, and magnificently harmonizing the yellow crystals' vibrations as well as keeping the metal crystals from absorbing the energy and heat, neatly averting liquefaction (a great word).

Thus, after much hunting, and studying, and magicking, and planning, and a few little touches here and there, Tommy B's Dragon Land is delighted to bring to you, our dear visitors, Crystal Island! Come and see the very varied species of lightning and metal dragons who love to cavort and play amidst these mysterious and ancient wizardly ruins from some weird place in Australia. Huzzah!

For our guests' convenience, restrooms have finally opened, and can be found on Firecicle Island, Forest Island, and Shrine Island.

Great story you could almost write a book!!! Lol

Tony GCID troutfisher10
Fletch_smf said:
Not that I can think of. The only opposite that's not any more is Plant/Cold and the only dragon available for that was Reindeer which is no longer available.

It will mean something to the boosts, because Blue/Frostfires now earn more with no boost on the island, and conversely you can put a Plant boost on there now to double boost Reindeer and Lichen.

I just tried to put metal with plant and plant was greyed out! Tried swamp, not me commended I've got 9 hours brewing :-(

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

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