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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Fletch_smf said:
The logging in and out is the most annoying thing. It would be great if GameCenter could hold all the User names and passwords and allow you to switch between them more easily.

I agree with that ! X x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
I finished updating my spreadsheets and it turns out that thanks to the new game update my park's potential earnings per day are about 1M less than before :( And that is with one more fully optimized Panlong habitat (the panlongs had been sitting in a water habitat before, so they earned less). The cold boost switcheroo is partly to blame, costing me about 1/2M. And then there are the practically empty metal habitats, one of which is still under construction. Sigh...I think I better speed up that crystal that brought my production to a standstill. And I so didn't want to use gems on the new dragons:(

At this time the metal dragons are low earners. No comparison to blue or frost. Unless there is a turbo boost combo I am not aware of.
Fletch_smf said:
Breeding for Cash

I was lying in bed last night going to sleep, thinking about DragonVale, as you do, and I was thinking about the Cactus Dragon ... 30 minutes for 100 000. I thought that's a pretty reasonable return on investment, started doing some sums in my head, and realised that it also earns more than Air/Sandstorm breeding, at least in the beginning. Working is below.

Cactus Dragon, 100 000 for the first hour, then 100 000 for every 30 minutes after that (as you can pop them back in the breeding cave while the next egg is hatching). So:
100 000 - 1 hour 100k/hour
300 000 - 2 hours 150k/hour
500 000 - 3 hours 166k/hour
700 000 - 4 hours 175k/hour

In the same 4 hours a Sandstorm has only earned you 500K or 125k/hour. It's a lot more labour intensive, having to check the game every 30 minutes, but if you have a peak time of 4 hours or something when you're going to be online sweeping habitats anyway, breeding Cacti Dragons is better than breeding Air/Sandstorm. However, after that point they also have the advantage of breeding again whilst the egg is hatching, so their hourly rate increases as well. Let's compare:

6 Hours
1.1 million - Cactus 183k/hour
1 million - Sandstorm 166k/hour

Still haven't caught up here, for the sake of one extra Cactus Dragon and the 100 000 it would bring. But the real interesting thing occurs at the 8 hour mark

1.5 million - Cactus 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Magnetic Dragon 187 500/Hour

I find it hard to believe that's a coincidence. After that point they all continue to increase their hourly rate, but the Magnetic Dragon is increasing it by the larger amount because it is now taking advantage of "breeding whilst hatching".

12 hours
2.3 million - Cactus 191 666/hour
2.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 208 333/hour
3 million - Magnetic 250k/hour

So ... what were you thinking about in bed last night?

Wow fletch just wow ......... I wa thinking How I would like a silver rainbow dragon to be a new rare lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Man the one I thought was a rainbow was a moon what a disappointment to be honest :'( trying again tomorrow night for a rainbow really hope I can get it other wise I'm moving onto pan along attempts

Give it a shot during the day. I wonder if it makes a difference.
Breeding for Cash

I was lying in bed last night going to sleep, thinking about DragonVale, as you do, and I was thinking about the Cactus Dragon ... 30 minutes for 100 000. I thought that's a pretty reasonable return on investment, started doing some sums in my head, and realised that it also earns more than Air/Sandstorm breeding, at least in the beginning. Working is below.

Cactus Dragon, 100 000 for the first hour, then 100 000 for every 30 minutes after that (as you can pop them back in the breeding cave while the next egg is hatching). So:
100 000 - 1 hour 100k/hour
300 000 - 2 hours 150k/hour
500 000 - 3 hours 166k/hour
700 000 - 4 hours 175k/hour

In the same 4 hours a Sandstorm has only earned you 500K or 125k/hour. It's a lot more labour intensive, having to check the game every 30 minutes, but if you have a peak time of 4 hours or something when you're going to be online sweeping habitats anyway, breeding Cacti Dragons is better than breeding Air/Sandstorm. However, after that point they also have the advantage of breeding again whilst the egg is hatching, so their hourly rate increases as well. Let's compare:

6 Hours
1.1 million - Cactus 183k/hour
1 million - Sandstorm 166k/hour

Still haven't caught up here, for the sake of one extra Cactus Dragon and the 100 000 it would bring. But the real interesting thing occurs at the 8 hour mark

1.5 million - Cactus 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Magnetic Dragon 187 500/Hour

I find it hard to believe that's a coincidence. After that point they all continue to increase their hourly rate, but the Magnetic Dragon is increasing it by the larger amount because it is now taking advantage of "breeding whilst hatching".

12 hours
2.3 million - Cactus 191 666/hour
2.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 208 333/hour
3 million - Magnetic 250k/hour

So ... what were you thinking about in bed last night?

Thank you Fletch, but not this at all LOL
Cox780770 said:
I did exactly the same thing lol the colours are similar aren't they x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

I remember you posting about this. Of course it sucked for you, bit it made me feel a bit less of an idiot. Now I double and triple check, tho fortunately it's not bad enough yet to qualify as OCD
Just finished my Metal island and absolutely had to put a Volcano. That is really cool with the animation.

Right now just going for silver metal shrine. Breeding Magnetics leveling to ten and selling them. I figure it cost about 500k to level a dragon one to ten and when i sell them i get 1.5 million. So I am making 66% of the cash as i go for fifty.

Just put one on my island too! However, I had noticed the dragons are much slower in movement than my others islands. Is anyone else have this techie issue?
Segbert said:
I used a sonic and got a Mag. Second time got another sonic. Just built the small lightening and it only takes 30 mins. I think.

Hmm, I'll give sonic a try :)

I had picked quake because I still needed the earth/metal guy too. Which one is that again? I'm so bad with names. Anyway, lesson learned: check to make sure crystal is not one of the possible outcomes.

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