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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

What do you guys think about the tactics for the Colosseum?

What I have found VERY successful is using the PURE element dragons (Plant, Fire, Water, Air, Lightning, Earth, Cold) that I have a very good chance of getting GOLD about 80-90% of the time. For example, just looking at my Trophies today, and 6 out of the last 7 days I have received GOLD by using high level PURE element dragons.

I have also found that putting in a higher level dragon (level 15s) are more successful than using lower level dragons (level 10s or lower).

I know some of you won't buy my theory, but for me this is the truth of what I have seen since picking up the game in November. (up to level 30 now)

What do you think?

I have been sucessful using level 15 Love and Pans in winning gold.
I just put 2 dragons on the EBI and instead of the breeding bar the heart popped up. Too bad I only put in an air and a sandie, why didn't this glitch happen when I got a crystal earlier?!?
Hi guys: I need some advice: my hibernation cave is completely maxed out. I am not sure what I should do? Should I sell the dragons that are at level 15 and slowly bring out the babies and feed them to level 15? I am slowly working on my shrines but have run out of room for the babies, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
ilUli said:
Whew is right, that was close, wasn't it? And btw, my dragons have the same names as yours. It really helps me avoid breeding the wrong dragons, especially late at night or early in the morning when I'm barely awake enough to see. I once bred a Panlong with a frostfire instead if another Panlong. Had to waste 12 gems to get them out of the EBI :(

I did exactly the same thing lol the colours are similar aren't they x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
I got myself in a jam. Since I don't have a lightning habitat the next obvious thing to do if I want to breed a magnetic dragon is to use a hybrid with my metal. So I stuck a panlong in the HC, got a quake out and stuck it in the breeding cave....24hr crystal :(

I used a sonic and got a Mag. Second time got another sonic. Just built the small lightening and it only takes 30 mins. I think.
phibes74 said:
This is so not fair... I am so close to lv 30.... It just will not hurry up.....

Sent from. Tricia xoxo

Lol a colosseum win will budge it right over hun x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
angel2all said:
Silly question.... When you get an orb for the brass dragon... Which head does it hover over? ;)

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one

Lmao maybe it gets two x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Fletch_smf said:
Breeding for Cash

I was lying in bed last night going to sleep, thinking about DragonVale, as you do, and I was thinking about the Cactus Dragon ... 30 minutes for 100 000. I thought that's a pretty reasonable return on investment, started doing some sums in my head, and realised that it also earns more than Air/Sandstorm breeding, at least in the beginning. Working is below.

Cactus Dragon, 100 000 for the first hour, then 100 000 for every 30 minutes after that (as you can pop them back in the breeding cave while the next egg is hatching). So:
100 000 - 1 hour 100k/hour
300 000 - 2 hours 150k/hour
500 000 - 3 hours 166k/hour
700 000 - 4 hours 175k/hour

In the same 4 hours a Sandstorm has only earned you 500K or 125k/hour. It's a lot more labour intensive, having to check the game every 30 minutes, but if you have a peak time of 4 hours or something when you're going to be online sweeping habitats anyway, breeding Cacti Dragons is better than breeding Air/Sandstorm. However, after that point they also have the advantage of breeding again whilst the egg is hatching, so their hourly rate increases as well. Let's compare:

6 Hours
1.1 million - Cactus 183k/hour
1 million - Sandstorm 166k/hour

Still haven't caught up here, for the sake of one extra Cactus Dragon and the 100 000 it would bring. But the real interesting thing occurs at the 8 hour mark

1.5 million - Cactus 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Magnetic Dragon 187 500/Hour

I find it hard to believe that's a coincidence. After that point they all continue to increase their hourly rate, but the Magnetic Dragon is increasing it by the larger amount because it is now taking advantage of "breeding whilst hatching".

12 hours
2.3 million - Cactus 191 666/hour
2.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 208 333/hour
3 million - Magnetic 250k/hour

So ... what were you thinking about in bed last night?

Certainly not that! OMG...How do you walk around with that big brain?
Very interesting thoughts though...I'll definitely consider the options. Thanks! Try to cut back on the caffeine. ;0)

What was I thinking? It was about one in the morning, and I wanted to get into my king size bed. Problem...my wife, her basset hound, Samantha, and her beagle, Millie, were asleep and left me zero room to get my fat ass into bed! That's what I was thinking...along with how nice it was going to be to wake up with three *****es in the morning!

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Fletch_smf said:
I had the same realisation, in a different way, when my Water Shrine was the only one I was working on. At that point I could level up every Dragon in my park ... except for plain Water. I tried to feed it up a bit before putting it into the Colosseum and was literally surprised that I couldn't. If your other 7 shrines are upgraded it is only the pure element that is limited to 10.

I think neeze meant that it would make more sense to do metal hybrids to level 15, that way the shrine counts the level 10, and then the level 15 for the same dragon. Half as many dragons as simply doing metals, which I did for gold haha. Could have saved a lot more money that way. It's a lot less food wasted.
ilUli said:
I got myself in a jam. Since I don't have a lightning habitat the next obvious thing to do if I want to breed a magnetic dragon is to use a hybrid with my metal. So I stuck a panlong in the HC, got a quake out and stuck it in the breeding cave....24hr crystal :(

Arrgghhh x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
jackcedio said:
Certainly not that! OMG...How do you walk around with that big brain?
Very interesting thoughts though...I'll definitely consider the options. Thanks! Try to cut back on the caffeine. ;0)

What was I thinking? It was about one in the morning, and I wanted to get into my king size bed. Problem...my wife, her basset hound, Samantha, and her beagle, Millie, were asleep and left me zero room to get my fat ass into bed! That's what I was thinking...along with how nice it was going to be to wake up with three *****es in the morning!

Sent from my iPad using iPF


Tony GCID troutfisher10

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