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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

tonygtech said:
Until there is a new dragon I don't see any reason not to use both breeding caves , it will speed your progress for breeding but then you need to feed those dragons to level them up, can you grow enough food that fast?

Tony GCID troutfisher10

Well I have been growing food constantly since all my dragons were at level 10 and have roughly 650,000 in food...

GC ID: Steffany_W
Fletch_smf said:
Thanks for raising these questions, sir. They have really helped solidify the theory behind this, looking not only at number of dragons, but of time required in breeding.

Very glad I asked! Thank you so much for evaluating all of this info! I will be taking a closer look at my habitats and make some decisions about optimizing income to get through this most efficiently.
Fletch_smf said:
Hey I just thought of something I could do with with a 6th Island. And by "thought of" I mean remembered something said much earlier in this thread. And by "I" I mean someone else came up with an idea that people seemed to like, but it was then lost as the thread continued.

Island Decorating Competition.

I can't remember who first suggested it and the search function isn't helping me find it. I think it's been bandied about a couple of different times but nothing has gotten off the ground. My thoughts are this:

[*]Contestants agree to wager a gem.
[*]Contestants redo an island according to a theme (maybe each time a new dragon is released, so now is Bloom Dragon).
[*]Contestants vote on favourite Island of 2 or 3 other contestants which are then given points according to some system like 4 points for first, 2 points for 2nd, 1 point for 3rd and of course they cannot vote for themselves.
[*]Player earning the most points comes first, second highest number 2nd, etc and gems are awarded according to the number of contestants/gem we have to give out.

Maybe the theme is randomised instead of set, so there is 6 options and we randomly draw one after the call for contestants is closed. Also, we would have to allow a bit of time for people to decorate, because some habitats take 48 hours to build (without using gems, of course). And if we were worried about people stealing your ideas we might have to unfriend people so they can't peak at the works in progress until the time is up. Also, maybe people who aren't competing could be asked to vote for the winners as well. Anyway I thought it might be a good way of breaking the boredom between updates and giving people a break from the grind.


Sounds like fun to me! I have an empty island screaming for decoration!
hazzarrd13 said:
No! No! No! Broken leg not good for new job and even worse for interview.

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

That would look great! Rock up with a broken leg!!

Tiffany xoxo
phibes74 said:
I think that was a perfect gift!!!!! And that is where I am at... Breed and sell..

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/63639-dragonvale-rare-breeding-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

Yes it was!! And well I bet we are not alone!!! It was easy to grow enough food to lvl them to 10, but now to try to lvl the ones we need to 15 and up is a nightmare!!! I leave myself daily with no dc and almost no food. Ah well. Such is the grind!! Haha

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
GT500Girl said:
Don't feel bad..my daughter is 25 and still doesn't listen to me. haha

Lol . . . So it's not just me? My 25 year old doesn't listen to me either! Now that I think about it, neither does my 27 year old . . . What's up with that?
Cox780770 said:
I know it's mad I always thought higher dragons were better until my son got a sun out of two lvl 4 dragons ...they were barely legal lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Oh my! I had no idea you could get suns with level 4!!
Steffany_W said:
Well I have been growing food constantly since all my dragons were at level 10 and have roughly 650,000 in food...

GC ID: Steffany_W

Yeah my son does that he saves food and cash like a squirrel hoards nuts lol sooooo the opposite to me who spends cash and food like it's going out of fashion , i never have more than 5 mil dc and even that is spent quickly on the food x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
dragonwish said:
Oh my! I had no idea you could get suns with level 4!!

Neither did we until my son did lol I can't be sure but I think he was only lvl 11 at the time too I'd have to check my previous posts to be sur but that would take forever since it was back In feb and I post a lot lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Hey all congrats on your breeding and a very special congrats to the new parents :)

If anyone would like to Try Dark Summoner! Input my Player ID when starting for a reward! Player ID: 2758474889 App Store: App Store - Dark Summoner
It's no way near DV standards but it's something to do in between breeding times ,
and remember to input my player ID 2758474889 thanks and let me know what you think inbox me :) as always Breed on!!!!
Dyane said:
Congratulations on the 2 blooms, I have one but made a mistake when trying to breed another ,and instead of lichen and storm, I breed lichen and quake and got a 48 hr egg, any idea what it could be? I also finally got my rainbow!!!!

Hey!!! Congrats on your rainbow! What combo did you use?
Fletch_smf said:
New Arrivals at E'lys Island
A mere 60 hours since their discovery, 3 Bloom Dragons have been imported into Islas de Fletch Dragoon and have replaced the newly discovered species of Metal Dragons in our feature habitat on our landing island. We strive to bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Dragonry and are backed by a team of hard working grounds wizards who have been working non-stop* since these new species of dragon was announced on Tuesday Afternoon (local time). The Metal habitat that was flanked by our dragon shrines was decommissioned in record time and the new habitat was ready and waiting for the dragons when they arrived, the last of which got here less than an hour ago. The ground wizards also were given last minute instructions to replace the marble paths around the habitats with the dark brick ones, as the light double reflected off the dragons, ice and white marble was truly blinding. The results speak for themselves.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=12842"/>

The adult, juvenile and baby dragons are in good condition and are all very even tempered. The ground wizards say they are settling in nicely to their new surroundings, and are already becoming a crowd favourite. Why not visit them today?

* We attribute the speed and quality of work from our employees to the fact that we have magicked the time on our islands to be always 10 minutes before lunch, that period of peak work productivity, as proven by rigorous statistical testing.


April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
angel2all said:
Yes it was!! And well I bet we are not alone!!! It was easy to grow enough food to lvl them to 10, but now to try to lvl the ones we need to 15 and up is a nightmare!!! I leave myself daily with no dc and almost no food. Ah well. Such is the grind!! Haha

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)

I am right there with you. As of right now I am 1 1/4 dragons away from my first gold shrine... Hopefully I can get my fire gold today.. It has been a night mare.... But it will be worth it in the end...

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

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