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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Birdmaestro said:
HeHe. We will be proceeding - stay tuned.


Lol...knew you wouldn't give in!!!! Love it! Such a great thing too! I cannot wait. Although my hubby might just disown me. He already says he's gonna have to send me to dv annonymous!

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
Birdmaestro said:
It must be continually out of breath....



April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
mc_neeze said:
Hi Shelley, You can only put level 10+ in the fountain. After it is finished it will look like a baby level 1-3 but keep all the properties of a level 10. Also if you put a level 10 in you can still feed it up to fifteen and it will keep it's baby appearance. The only thing the fountain does is change the appearance back to a baby.

Good to know!!! For me too as I was wondering the same thing! Thank you!!!

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
hazzarrd13 said:
Got my second bloom in the ebi. Phew!!! Can relax now and get back ton reseeding panlongs and moneymakers.

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

Yay!!! Congrats!!!

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
mc_neeze said:
You can also make it older after you turn it into a baby if you so decide.


April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
Cox780770 said:
No Hun it's not possible to have the 15 look like a 4 it makes it look like a baby out of the hatchery they keep the orb and babies are larger than a lvl1 baby I'm not sure about the last one as I havnt fed a babied one up yet my pans were lvl 15 when I babied them ,also you can turn a babied one back to adult using the fountain again x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Ohhhh... That answers my other question!! Thanks!!!

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
phibes74 said:
Ok so if anyone goes party hat hunting my metal island is in the process of becoming my yin yang island... So please check back in a couple days when construction is complete.!!!! thank you for understanding all the construction dust....

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/63639-dragonvale-rare-breeding-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

Ooh yin yang island sound good, let us know when it's finished x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Cox780770 said:
Hey guys I got the and others message today so if you sent me a gem in the last 10 hours can you please let me know I got
Mdp999 ( who I still have no clue to who, they are still not on my friends list )

Thanks x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

I think it was more than 10 hours ago, but I sent you one for the breeding contest! Hope you got that one! Good luck! I got this yesterday with no responses. :(. Wish I could repay them.

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
Steffany_W said:
Well I have been growing food constantly since all my dragons were at level 10 and have roughly 650,000 in food...

GC ID: Steffany_W

Wow!!! Good for you! That's a decent start!!!

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
Fletch_smf said:
This should never be added, imo. "Chasing" the rares is what this game is about. If anyone could just give you any dragon you required it would render the game pointless.

I agree.
Glitch!!! I put one of my metals in for the colosseum event yesterday. I checked it a few hours ago and it said it had 6 hours remaining. Ive logged in to see how its going and its now on the air event!! I never took my dragon out or got gems ot anything!! So cranky!!!

Tiffany xoxo
phibes74 said:
I am right there with you. As of right now I am 1 1/4 dragons away from my first gold shrine... Hopefully I can get my fire gold today.. It has been a night mare.... But it will be worth it in the end...

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/63639-dragonvale-rare-breeding-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

Wow!!! Hooray for you!!!! So stinking happy for you!!!! That is awesome!!! I'm still really far away from reaching gold. I think my closest is Plant and for that I have 20 to go. Ha. So I will still be at it most of the summer! Keep telling myself patience is a virtue and it will payoff!! ;)

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
phibes74 said:
Ok so if anyone goes party hat hunting my metal island is in the process of becoming my yin yang island... So please check back in a couple days when construction is complete.!!!! thank you for understanding all the construction dust....

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/63639-dragonvale-rare-breeding-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

Oooo. Sounds very cool!!!! Can't wait to see it in completion!

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)

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