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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

What do you think would be the result of breeding a panlong with the new bloom? All elements together, right? Think I'm going to try it out. Has anyone else?
VDL04 said:
Mine is tucked away in my forest on the 6th island aswell :) only used it for moon

Tiffany xoxo

Yeah mines sort of tucked in by stones and trees lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
karma_musings said:
What do you think would be the result of breeding a panlong with the new bloom? All elements together, right? Think I'm going to try it out. Has anyone else?

Tried 2 times no special drafon
karma_musings said:
What do you think would be the result of breeding a panlong with the new bloom? All elements together, right? Think I'm going to try it out. Has anyone else?

Sure would be interesting!!! I know I saw someone doing that when I was visiting/collecting party hats, but can't remember who it was. Would really like to know what the results are!!!!

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
To paraphrase Mark Twain:

"I couldn't believe how dumb my parents were when I was 18. And when I was 28 I was amazed at much they had learned in 10 years."


LOL!!! Sounds about exactly right!

Lol . . . So it's not just me? My 25 year old doesn't listen to me either! Now that I think about it, neither does my 27 year old . . . What's up with that?

Nope...and I don't know..your guess is as good as mine. lol Kids! ugh.. they may be adults but they will always be kids to me. haha
A_Brittany said:
I finally got my fire, air, earth, and water shrines to gold!!! I never thought I would get there but I finally did. It's such a great feeling! My boyfriend doesn't share my enthusiasm for it though lol. Now it's just collecting money so I can start on my other 4 shrines.

A huge congratulations!
Glitch!!! I put one of my metals in for the colosseum event yesterday. I checked it a few hours ago and it said it had 6 hours remaining. Ive logged in to see how its going and its now on the air event!! I never took my dragon out or got gems ot anything!! So cranky!!!

Tiffany xoxo

Uh oh! That is a crazy glitch isn't it?!
Ok a word to the wise.... Do not put the magnetic and iron dragon together..... It will give you a CRYSTAL!!!!!!! My luck this week.... ;(

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

Oh no! :eek: *shudders* Sorry you got that nightmare. Thanks for the advice! I haven't been playing with breeds in so long..don't remember the last time I threw something in random..well only when a new dragon is released but I only do that a couple times before I head here to see if anyone got a winning combo. lol

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