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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

What do you think would be the result of breeding a panlong with the new bloom? All elements together, right? Think I'm going to try it out. Has anyone else?

I haven't...oh..that would be a good one for Fletch to test...

Let us know what you get. :thumbs:
Fletch_smf said:
Hey I just thought of something I could do with with a 6th Island. And by "thought of" I mean remembered something said much earlier in this thread. And by "I" I mean someone else came up with an idea that people seemed to like, but it was then lost as the thread continued.

Island Decorating Competition.

I can't remember who first suggested it and the search function isn't helping me find it. I think it's been bandied about a couple of different times but nothing has gotten off the ground. My thoughts are this:

[*]Contestants agree to wager a gem.
[*]Contestants redo an island according to a theme (maybe each time a new dragon is released, so now is Bloom Dragon).
[*]Contestants vote on favourite Island of 2 or 3 other contestants which are then given points according to some system like 4 points for first, 2 points for 2nd, 1 point for 3rd and of course they cannot vote for themselves.
[*]Player earning the most points comes first, second highest number 2nd, etc and gems are awarded according to the number of contestants/gem we have to give out.

Maybe the theme is randomised instead of set, so there is 6 options and we randomly draw one after the call for contestants is closed. Also, we would have to allow a bit of time for people to decorate, because some habitats take 48 hours to build (without using gems, of course). And if we were worried about people stealing your ideas we might have to unfriend people so they can't peak at the works in progress until the time is up. Also, maybe people who aren't competing could be asked to vote for the winners as well. Anyway I thought it might be a good way of breaking the boredom between updates and giving people a break from the grind.


Love this idea! How fun! I'm in!
New Arrivals at E'lys Island
* We attribute the speed and quality of work from our employees to the fact that we have magicked the time on our islands to be always 10 minutes before lunch, that period of peak work productivity, as proven by rigorous statistical testing.
GT500Girl said:
Oh no! :eek: *shudders* Sorry you got that nightmare. Thanks for the advice! I haven't been playing with breeds in so long..don't remember the last time I threw something in random..well only when a new dragon is released but I only do that a couple times before I head here to see if anyone got a winning combo. lol

It was a total mistake!!!! That is the sad part...

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
Wow! I just figured up that it is going to take 1,638,400 in food just to lvl up my current lvl 14s. That's not to mention the other ones that I have to go toward my shrines that are at between lvl 10-13. Yikes. Looks like I will just be breeding for dc for food for quite a while right now!!! As my park does not give me as much in dc as would be optimal. Working on it though!

April GCID Servant 16:9 ( daughter Allison GCID Angel2all. daughter Amanda GCID Servant to One)
I am breeding in both the EBI and normal caves. I really want a three element dragon with cold since I am mostly trying to work on cold and earth gold shrines right now and would love to have other shrines benefit as well. Trying to balance that with breeding the higher money maker dragons when there are not limited dragons to go for. It took me a long time to get clover, i thought that i might miss it even though i was trying constantly. Plus I hate missing a limited!

I don't think you are going to miss this dragon. Statistic is showing a better chance in getting the bloom in the EBI. I recommends the lichen and storm combo. As again statistic is showing this better combo for success. Keep at it and you will get one. Good luck!:)
I finally got my fire, air, earth, and water shrines to gold!!! I never thought I would get there but I finally did. It's such a great feeling! My boyfriend doesn't share my enthusiasm for it though lol. Now it's just collecting money so I can start on my other 4 shrines.

Congrats! That is great on attaining 4 golds. Was it done with Pans?
Ok guys...I have some questions... I still have not used the fountain of youth yet.

Is it possible to have a dragon earning level 15 dc and look like it is level 4?

When you put a level 15 dragon into the fountain does it take it right to baby status like it came out of the hatchery just then?

What happens if you put a level 10 in the fountain and then after it's finished level it to 15...does it get a little larger like a adolescent?

There is no way (yet) of getting a Juvenile looking Dragon that is earning above Level 6.
FOY babies do keep getting slightly bigger each level they go up, so a Level 15 baby is a bit bigger than a Level 3 baby.
Hey Fletch...I need help again. lol Sorry for being a pain. My last panlong is breeding now so my water and air will finally be gold soon. Here are my numbers for the rest...Same as last time. The only dragon I don't have a pair of or can't get quickly is bone. I only have 1 of them. Again I don't care about getting metal to gold but it's gonna happen sooner or later most likely at some point.

lightening 3/50
fire 26/50
plant 4/50
earth 24/50
cold 2/50
metal 0/50

Thanks in advance. Your rock! :thumbs:

Like you could ever be a pain.

47 Lightning
24 Fire
46 Plant
26 Earth
48 Cold
50 Metal

46 Bloom leaves you with

1 Lightning
24 Fire
26 Earth
2 Cold
50 Metal

24 Brass and 26 Iron knock off Fire, Earth and Metal, and 2 Storms will finish off Cold and Lightning.

46 Bloom
26 Iron
24 Brass
2 Storms.

That was an easy one.

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