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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Lmao at the magicked time !!!! I love it fletch looks lovely these new dragons are my new second favourite and its cool that you have one of each in the stages of development is the baby lvl 10 or a true baby , also I love the pattern the dark paths make I have used a lot of that on my accommodation isle x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Thank you. It's a FOY Level 10 baby. I had time to do that while my 3rd one was in the hatchery.
There is no way (yet) of getting a Juvenile looking Dragon that is earning above Level 6.
FOY babies do keep getting slightly bigger each level they go up, so a Level 15 baby is a bit bigger than a Level 3 baby.

Cool...I just like the rainbow when it is flying...but I guess it doesn't really matter that much right now anyways becaise I want a baby island but I need more islands to do that. Oh well. Hopefully I will get that option sometime in the future. Thanks!
Like you could ever be a pain.

47 Lightning
24 Fire
46 Plant
26 Earth
48 Cold
50 Metal

46 Bloom leaves you with

1 Lightning
24 Fire
26 Earth
2 Cold
50 Metal

24 Brass and 26 Iron knock off Fire, Earth and Metal, and 2 Storms will finish off Cold and Lightning.

46 Bloom
26 Iron
24 Brass
2 Storms.

That was an easy one.

Thank you! Oh...but I can be a real pain! lol Yikes! That is a lot of dragons and time. lol Guess I will need to make sure there is room to store some of them while I'm working on dc and food...
I will be honest, your books are not my cup of tea, i am an atheist and only consider religions from an historical point if view.
Am however very interested in theology and have long discussions with an elderly pastor living next door.
There is something which disturbs me, what are you afraid of? That people would not talk to you anymore now? Hey, think of Peter and stand for what you believe in, wether it pleases others or not.
You are primarily a nice person and we all have sympathy for you, so go your way and don t be afraid (as the former man in white from Rome said once)

I don't think he said he was "afraid".
Gosh, these chrom dragons are soooo uggly and i have to breed 11 of them. Have finished my fourth gold shrine, just four more to go.
Fletch can you help me with my shrine.


Have a hard time breeding frostfires/bluefires so preferably none in answer.
Well, the last part was mainly toungue-in-cheek and partly just used to how I've seen Christians treated on internet forums, you know? Good point about Peter, though, thank you. Worst part is the people who give other people bad impressions or make it easy to caricaturise Christians as mindless brainless sheep who need a touchy-feely crutch, hard stigma to be up against. Biblical Christianity is a hugely rational, reasoned faith. Theology was once known as the queen of sciences. Interesting about mental illnesses, VeeLund, as I have enormous thoughts and concerns and compassion with that whole area, huge need to understand and help.

Anyhow, don't want to start religeous discussions here, cuz it's against forum policy. That's not what I'm trying to do. Happy to PM etc. Hope to have the book out the door this summer, pending some peer reviews and important input. I could email a PDF, but it's not the final draft yet so I'm a little hesitant.

I appreciate the support, though, and the open-mindedness.
I don't think he said he was "afraid".
No, he didn t say it with in these words, but he was not sure that people would still talk to him. If he would nt be concerned by it, he would not have stated that. Thus, his last sentence expresses a fear.
No, he didn t say it with in these words, but he was not sure that people would still talk to him. If he would nt be concerned by it, he would not have stated that. Thus, his last sentence expresses a fear.
Dunno about a fear. Definitely not much of one to rock the boat and make waves, especially in light of the two moderator posts, here and on Poppy's thread. I just play close to the chest, cuz I don't look for conflict.

Obligatory DV content: got my second Bloom using Lichen and Storm. Still trying to re-acquire Sandstorm and Frostfire.

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