Hooray.. Finally i got the sun... But still working on rainbow, bluefire, sandstorm n reinder, moon.... Wew....
And how can we send gem more than 3 a day? Any suggestion?
Michelin said:It could be, heh, but who knows with this game. I have also just deleted the boosts on the island I have my breeding cave on, as per the advice of two players who have all the rares themselves, because I have had a huge lull between getting my Sun and any rares since.
Hopefully we will both have some luck very soon :thumbs:
I'm having lots of trouble breeding rainbow, sandstorm, moon and sun
I decided to join you. I just deleted all the boosts. Maybe it will help, I sure hope so.
Michelin said:Me too! Wishing lots of luck to you AND me![]()
Your right it should have counted every dragon you have that contains the element according to each shrine , I know that when I got each shrine it automatically counted them so I think you might have a glitch in your DV app. Try to contact backflip if this continues and let me know what they say. Good luck bro.Ok so I have a big question. I just unlocked the air shrine, and it's the last one I need to complete. I have hatched 6-8 air and sandstorms in the last day, not counting all the air and air-hybrids I already had on my islands level 10, but my counter only says 5/50 in the air shrine. Kind of confused, because I know I should have a lot more. Anyone else have this problem? (mostly aimed at Brooklyn haha)
So I just bred another air and another sandstorm. My counter still says 5/50 -.-
Could this be because I haven't bought the air shrine yet? I assumed all dragons raised counted even if the shrine wasn't bought yet. Reasoning behind this is when I bought the plant shrine, it said 13/50 and when I bought others it said whatever I actually had. I'm going to be very mad if I've wasted like 50,000 food or more raising dragons that weren't being counted.
So I just bought the air shrine. Thought I would have enough gems to speed it up lol cause I had 9. Turns out its 12 hours to build it. I'll update again in 12 hours to let you guys know if the counter changed. I'm not hatching anymore until I see.
Michelin said:Basically the shrines are a new 'building' for each element (cold, plant, fire, earth etc) and once you have them on your islands they will keep track of how many dragons you have raised to level 10 (whether you then sell them or not). Once you have reached the shrine goal of 50 level10 dragons you will be able to raise the level of that element's dragons to a maximum of 15 (rather than 10 now) which will then mean the dragon earns more coins.
To get the most out of your food (the major cost in reaching the shrine goal of 50 level 10 dragons) its a good idea to breed hybrids as they count towards both element shrines - e.g, for every Poison dragon you raise to level 10 you will get one counted towards BOTH the Fire AND Plant shrines (as opposed to only one point toward the Plant shrine for a purebreed Plant dragon). The Poison is also a good one to breed because it only takes an hour total from breeding to hatching.
The epic breeding island is available if you go into the 'Islands' area of your market (though I'm not sure if you have to already have the third island and/or be at a certain level to purchase it as mine was available immediately when I updated my game)...it can only be bought with (125) gems. It is really just another place to breed your dragons (helpful if your existing cave is busy with a long breeding pair) BUT it also says it might help with breeding the rare dragons - though there seems to be conflicting evidence as to whether it really does (it hasnt helped me yet but others swear it does).
I hope this is helpful.
Just breed a reindeer!! I'm so excited!!
Nbanut23 said:Any1 know Any reindeer combos