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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Hey guys just got my epic breeding cave I thought I will go blue +fire crystal got a sun dragon.
So I bred my two suns and got another sun so that's 3.
Straight after I tried lava + seaweed and got my first rainbow yay
So that's 3 rares in a row.
SugarGrly5 said:
My first crystal didn't take 24 hrs to breed...that would suck...

Crystals ALWAYS take 24hrs to breed and hatch, so 48 hours total. Crystal is the only dragon with this breeding time.

The rares all have 48 hours to breed an hatch so 96 hours total.
So I just tried putting an air dragon into the tournament, and accidentally put my rainbow in. Goodbye 24 hours of gold lmao. I'll let you guys know if it's a gold medal or not haha
Zakerybinks said:
Hey guys just got my epic breeding cave I thought I will go blue +fire crystal got a sun dragon.
So I bred my two suns and got another sun so that's 3.
Straight after I tried lava + seaweed and got my first rainbow yay
So that's 3 rares in a row.

That terrific. I am trying for a moon but no luck as yet
Hey I hav a stupid question if u breed a rainbow and a rainbow or moon moon sun sun will u get another of tht dragon or a random thing?
Nbanut23 said:
Hey I hav a stupid question if u breed a rainbow and a rainbow or moon moon sun sun will u get another of tht dragon or a random thing?

No question is stupid and I dont know sorry
Hey I hav a stupid question if u breed a rainbow and a rainbow or moon moon sun sun will u get another of tht dragon or a random thing?

No, not a stupid question and if you breed two of the same type then you will get another one of the same so Rainbow x Rainbow = Rainbow!
(not that I have experience with breeding rares together...my Sun is sooo very lonely *sobs* :p)
So I just tried putting an air dragon into the tournament, and accidentally put my rainbow in. Goodbye 24 hours of gold lmao. I'll let you guys know if it's a gold medal or not haha

Oh no! haha, yeah we'll hopefully he'll (she'll?!! heh) AT LEAST bring you home a Gold Trophy! Do let us know...I am now wondering how many people have deliberating tried a rare in the colosseum?!! (It would be nice to have enough to be able to 'spare' one for 24 hours, LOL.

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