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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

GT500Girl said:
I think they look great! Michelin was right! That must be a lot of work for sure! :)

Admittedly i get a bit lazy to move them so i just sell and rebuy. I know i lose money but slack for moving them all!! Thanks though :) now just hoping for a moon!!
Admittedly i get a bit lazy to move them so i just sell and rebuy. I know i lose money but slack for moving them all!! Thanks though :) now just hoping for a moon!!

Haha me too! Everytime I do something major I'm selling a bunch of it to buy it again lol. Just makes it easier. :) well...if it will help at all I got my 2 moons from scorch on left and snow on right. :thumbs:
Did anyone else notice that its quicker to buy sarjin pepper then beanstalk? It costs the same but is quicker?!
GT500Girl said:
Haha me too! Everytime I do something major I'm selling a bunch of it to buy it again lol. Just makes it easier. :) well...if it will help at all I got my 2 moons from scorch on left and snow on right. :thumbs:

Will have to give that ago. Thanks. I feel like ive tried every combo suggested and keep coming up with nada. Guess try and try again. Just finished my earth shrine! Yay! Got lightning and water to go and air left to buy... Getting there.

I like your islands too! I tried to organise mine on the diagonal like yours but it looked odd everytime i tried it. But yours are spot on :)
Will have to give that ago. Thanks. I feel like ive tried every combo suggested and keep coming up with nada. Guess try and try again. Just finished my earth shrine! Yay! Got lightning and water to go and air left to buy... Getting there.

I like your islands too! I tried to organise mine on the diagonal like yours but it looked odd everytime i tried it. But yours are spot on :)

Hope it helps you! Yep..being persistent is the only thing I can see that is a for sure in this game. Congrats! Your getting there quickly!

Thanks. They are still not done. Especially the first island. I also had to sell my second sun habitat cause I got the 2nd moon. You can see where it will sit though. They are a real pain for me to have diagonal for sure. Moving things a million times then I just give up and say ok. Looks good enough! lol
Having real trouble breeding another rainbow

Ugh! I haven't seen one for awhile either. Not like I'm trying but seems like when you least expect it they come. I'm telling you I really think it switches all the time for what will work. Just my theory or thoughts or whatever you want to call it....darn thing..maybe it is all just random. Keep at it though. You will get it. What all combos have you tried for the Rainbow?
GT500Girl said:
Ugh! I haven't seen one for awhile either. Not like I'm trying but seems like when you least expect it they come. I'm telling you I really think it switches all the time for what will work. Just my theory or thoughts or whatever you want to call it....darn thing..maybe it is all just random. Keep at it though. You will get it. What all combos have you tried for the Rainbow?

Got my first with seaweed and firefly so habeen trying that combo then tried blazing and crystal. Aaa argh nothing lots of poisons.
Also, I know what I'm going to be doing for money. Sandstorm is only 2hrs. I'm going to keep breeding them over and over. 1million for each one, that's 2 million per hour. Shouldn't take too long to get every dragon to level 15. Anyone else looking for quick cash should do this, as long as you have 2 sandstorms.
Even if you don't have 2 sandstorm dragons you can do the same by breeding fire + water and you'll get an air dragon so you can Breed in one cave fire + water and in the other you can breed air+air or sandstorm+sandstorm or in both caves breed fire+water and so fourth so you can use any and all of these combos to advance your shrines or to get quick cash. Breed on!!!
GT500Girl said:
No, I didn't. Will have to check that out.

Well its:
sarjin pepper: $500,000 = 10,000 food = 1minute
Omega squash: $1,000,000 = 20,000 food = 10mins
beanstalk: $5,000,000 = 100,000 food = 1hr

So if u grow sarjin 10 times you get the same amount of food at the same as the Beanstalk, but it only takes 10mins instead of an hour :)
I'm so upset I can't see pages 212-227!!! And as far as my update of things... I'm kin of stuck trying to breed my moon and another rainbow.... Ive noticed that earth and storm dragons breed moon so I'm using all of the hybrids that have earth as an element and I still can't get it. For some weird reason I couldnt get any with bluefire and crystal.... :-(

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