Well I finally got another 'special' dragon but still not one of the (true) rares of course

. To explain -
Yesterday morning I decided to start trying for another reindeer, while they are still available, thinking that it would be more likely/easier/quicker and thus less frustrating than my (seemingly) never-ending quest for rares (I've been getting rather discouraged and annoyed, heh). So, I brought back my trusty
Plant x Bluefire combo and started breeding...and then spent
ALL day incubating and hatching Flower dragons, haha. I did get a Poison twice to shake things up a little but was getting VERY sick of those Flowery faces.
They were great for helping me with my Plant and Fire shrines but I was beginning to doubt the wisdom of trying for another Reindeer because I was getting kind of frustrated with having to incubate and hatch every single hour/half hour for dragons I didnt really want...until right at the end of the day I
finally got a 5 hour breeding time and nearly screamed out loud (but I try to avoid loud noises when the kids are in bed, haha).
Actually got it after a fair few tries with the changed order of
Bluefire x Plant this time, as I'd swapped them just in exasperation to do SOMETHING different, heh
Yes, thankfully, this morning a new little Reindeer was just waiting to be hatched! Woohoo!
Now, to get back to getting me a new rare *determined face*