iPF Noob
Shavemeshavers said:Time of day means nothing for sun or moon. Got my first sun at 230pm and my first moon at 3pm.
Yes, this!
Shavemeshavers said:Time of day means nothing for sun or moon. Got my first sun at 230pm and my first moon at 3pm.
Shavemeshavers said:So I'm breeding my last 5 air dragons. I will have all my shrines done yay!
I do have a question though. I need 4 gems to speed up my last 2 airs. If 4 people are reeding this and can send me a gem, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance if anyone can!!!
Skaala2903 said:Hi Friends,
Started getting the rare dragons atlast.. Got a moon last week, bluefire 2 weeks earlier and now a sandstorm in the process..
Tried Scorch with Snow few times but no Sun yet.. Also, unable to get a Rainbow..
Suggessions on combis would be appreciated..
Shavemeshavers said:Thanks to the 4 people who sent me gems!! My shrines are officially done haha, unless you get another shrine at level 25, but I'm happy that's over. Now the crazy long process of getting everything to 15 haha. I know I said it before, but I love this update lmao
Shavemeshavers said:Also, I know what I'm going to be doing for money. Sandstorm is only 2hrs. I'm going to keep breeding them over and over. 1million for each one, that's 2 million per hour. Shouldn't take too long to get every dragon to level 15. Anyone else looking for quick cash should do this, as long as you have 2 sandstorms.
mjtyler said:Perhaps you can move your storm & reindeer to another habitat to get them in the +. I went through a similar redecorating phase and now have them all in +. Feel free to check it out. mjtyler
Skaala2903 said:Hey Michelin, just tried a Mud x Air in the epic breeding island and got a 2 hour time.. Think, its a Sandstorm.. Noticed that you dont have one, why not try this..
If this turns out to be a sandstorm, then still Sun and Rainbow to go..
Skaala2903 said:Hi Friends,
Started getting the rare dragons atlast.. Got a moon last week, bluefire 2 weeks earlier and now a sandstorm in the process..
Tried Scorch with Snow few times but no Sun yet.. Also, unable to get a Rainbow..
Suggessions on combis would be appreciated..
Well I finally got another 'special' dragon but still not one of the (true) rares of course. To explain -
Yesterday morning I decided to start trying for another reindeer, while they are still available, thinking that it would be more likely/easier/quicker and thus less frustrating than my (seemingly) never-ending quest for rares (I've been getting rather discouraged and annoyed, heh). So, I brought back my trusty Plant x Bluefire combo and started breeding...and then spent ALL day incubating and hatching Flower dragons, haha. I did get a Poison twice to shake things up a little but was getting VERY sick of those Flowery faces.
They were great for helping me with my Plant and Fire shrines but I was beginning to doubt the wisdom of trying for another Reindeer because I was getting kind of frustrated with having to incubate and hatch every single hour/half hour for dragons I didnt really want...until right at the end of the day I finally got a 5 hour breeding time and nearly screamed out loud (but I try to avoid loud noises when the kids are in bed, haha).
Actually got it after a fair few tries with the changed order of Bluefire x Plant this time, as I'd swapped them just in exasperation to do SOMETHING different, heh
Yes, thankfully, this morning a new little Reindeer was just waiting to be hatched! Woohoo!
Now, to get back to getting me a new rare *determined face*
Have finally finished redecorating my islands! Was trying to get all my dragons in the + and have so far only my storm and reindeer dragons in the -Am pretty happy with my layout. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Hey guys! Just wanted to post that I got my 3rd and 4th moon dragons back to back using reindeer and storm. I used the epic breeding cave. Apparently the game wants to give me lots of moon dragons which is awesome because their my favorite. However, a sun dragon would be nice too since I don't have one yet.
No, time of day does not mean anything for sun or moon. I got my first sun at 230pm and first moon at 3pm. Then got another 2 at 3:45 and 430. All on the same day.
So I'm breeding my last 5 air dragons. I will have all my shrines done yay!
I do have a question though. I need 4 gems to speed up my last 2 airs. If 4 people are reeding this and can send me a gem, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance if anyone can!!!
Hi, I just got my park to level 20 today , omg xD that was lots of work
Here is some combination on rares I've successfully bred so far :
Seaweed + Snow = Reindeer
Seaweed + Swamp = Reindeer
actually there are more..but those is easiest (1st try ) . I think Reindeer is not so hard to get
Fire + Snow = Blue Fire - epic breed land
Air + Mud = Sandstorm - epic breed land
(For these you will need several tries, not so easy)
And MOON = Storm (lvl 8) + Sonic (level 6) - normal breeding cave . xD I chose this pair randomly and it worked on 1st try !!
Still trying to get a Sun and Rainbow![]()
Good luck !!!