iPF Noob
Hannah_Vibbert said:Try cold + plant. That's what worked for me
You can't breed cold and plant together. They're incompatible. Use cold and seaweed. Got me 2 in 3 tries.
Hannah_Vibbert said:Try cold + plant. That's what worked for me
mjtyler said:Can anyone say if it makes a difference when you try to breed a moon dragon? I am getting everything but, and I read somewhere that it works best ifyou try between 12 midnight and 1 am?.....
Nbanut23 said:Any1 know a combo for bluefire? I need another one really bad lol
Nbanut23 said:Sweet thanks then I gotta chance at a sunDDD
kspies12 said:Can anyone help me with how to get a rainbow dragon I don't wanna spend the gems
Any1 know a combo for bluefire? I need another one really bad lol
Shavemeshavers said:Ice left and fire right got me one and fire left and snow right gave me a second one
Michelin said:Ice x Fire (or even Fire x Ice) I have seen listed as successful
Also seen that Fire x Reindeer is a good choice as, apparently, most of the others it produces are very short breed times so you can get another chance quickly if unsuccessful
Just found this:Blue Fire Dragon - DragonVale Wiki which has lots of tips.
Good luck!
Can anyone help me with how to get a rainbow dragon I don't wanna spend the gems
Blazing on left and Crystal on right gave me my first, Seaweed on left and Firefly on right gave me my second, and Firefly on left and Seaweed on right gave me my third rainbow. Try them out, and good luck!
(and if you use a Crystal you risk breeding another one which locks up your cave and then a nest for 24 hours each!)Any dragon that uses hybrids to breed needs an element of luck but ESPECIALLY the true rares of Sun, Moon and Rainbow. There are combinations/pairs that seem to work easily for some people that others have no luck with despite multiple attempts (like me, hehe).
Some general tips-
If you know you are using a successful combination (others have confirmed they got a rare with it), try switching the order or trying another combo and then go back to the original one.
It was recently suggested to me to remove any boosts from the island where my breeding cave is so I have done that in the hope it still waiting to see.
Good luck...hope it helps (both of us, haha)
So I'm breeding my last 5 air dragons. I will have all my shrines done yay!
I do have a question though. I need 4 gems to speed up my last 2 airs. If 4 people are reeding this and can send me a gem, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance if anyone can!!!
Michelin said:Awww, I already sent mine for today but probably would have 'made an exception' to my list otherwise. Hope someone else is able to help though.
Great work on already having your shrines practically done though!