Hey guys! Just wanted to post that I got my 3rd and 4th moon dragons back to back using reindeer and storm. I used the epic breeding cave. Apparently the game wants to give me lots of moon dragons which is awesome because their my favorite. However, a sun dragon would be nice too since I don't have one yet.
Mud plus storm just got me rainbow in the epic breeding island. Last week the same combo gave me a moon! Now I only need a sun to complete my rares. That mud dragon is super good luck for me, as is the epic breeding island. Only tough to get dragon that I have gotten in the normal cave is a blue fire, and that took forever!
Something I have noticed but have never seen commentary or a theory on. What affects the order that dragons are listed when you chose the pair to breed? Other than level of dragon, it seems somewhat random, but could be something more. Anyone have a theory or some insight? I just notice that the dragons do not stay in the same location on the list over time.
LMC23 said:Hey guys, can ne1 giv me a combo for reindeer plz? Xxx
escapement said:What combo did you use. I used seaweed firefly weeks ago to get my rainbow and haven't been able to breed one again. Congrats on yours though
Try cold + plant. That's what worked for me
I used cold + plant
I got it first try
How long does it take to build a rainbow habitat? I just bred a rainbow and the egg is in the hatchery. But I need to know if I should spend time selling dragons and then a habitat so that I can build a rainbow habitat. Thanks!
Can anyone say if it makes a difference when you try to breed a moon dragon? I am getting everything but, and I read somewhere that it works best ifyou try between 12 midnight and 1 am?.....
No one is sure if time of day has anything to do with whether you get a Sun or Moon as far as I know. The initial theory is that it WOULD make a difference but then people seemed to be getting ones they didnt expect with that theory. This also may be because of where the game is made/based compared to the local time where you are or it just might be completely random, haha. Sorry there's no certain answer!
Michelin said:Not a dumb question.
No one is sure if time of day has anything to do with whether you get a Sun or Moon as far as I know. The initial theory is that it WOULD make a difference but then people seemed to be getting ones they didnt expect with that theory. This also may be because of where the game is made/based compared to the local time where you are or it just might be completely random, haha. Sorry there's no certain answer!
Nbanut23 said:Is it possible to get a sun at 11pm at night
Michelin said:Hmm, that's a shame...but glad things have gone well since then (you must be breeding hard, heh)
You are very welcome! I was curious and I also hoped you'd been able to work it out/get it fixed. :thumbs:
mjtyler said:Hi all, I appeal to you all with a collective of plentiful information. I am trying to breed a sandstorm with earth and air but it telling me that the dragons are incompatible. What other combinations can I use?
Shavemeshavers said:Time of day means nothing for sun or moon. Got my first sun at 230pm and my first moon at 3pm.