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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

I swear it switches evey now and then to different combos that we can get our rares with! Lol. Serious though...my current combo worked 3 times very quickly...now nothing...hmmm...

Yeah and apparently it always switches when I'm trying to use the successful recommendations I've given others, LOL :p
Oh, sorry to hear that! I only got my first 'double' name this morning...before that, it was always a single name per notification.
It's going to make things really difficult for you, and others, if that the way it keeps happening (and you are already more diligent and nice about returning gems than MANY people I've heard of/dealt with and now they wanna make it HARDER for you to do so?! *sigh*). You'd think they'd make it EASIER on people to gift gems (if not by raising the limit per day, then at least a better notification/record system!!!).
Hope it doesn't happen again!

Oh man, I was so mad. You could probably see steam comng out of my ears! Hahaha Yeh, me too. Darn thing anyways.
Yeah and apparently it always switches when I'm trying to use the successful recommendations I've given others, LOL :p

Lol I know right?! I was thinking tht the whole time I couldn't get one. I always had a crazy long breeding going or something when someone would post a pair or working on something else. Then as soon as I'd try it...big fat nothing.
Hi all, I appeal to you all with a collective of plentiful information. I am trying to breed a sandstorm with earth and air but it telling me that the dragons are incompatible. What other combinations can I use?
mjtyler said:
Hi all, I appeal to you all with a collective of plentiful information. I am trying to breed a sandstorm with earth and air but it telling me that the dragons are incompatible. What other combinations can I use?

Air nd mud worked for me
Mud plus storm just got me rainbow in the epic breeding island. Last week the same combo gave me a moon! Now I only need a sun to complete my rares. That mud dragon is super good luck for me, as is the epic breeding island. Only tough to get dragon that I have gotten in the normal cave is a blue fire, and that took forever!

Something I have noticed but have never seen commentary or a theory on. What affects the order that dragons are listed when you chose the pair to breed? Other than level of dragon, it seems somewhat random, but could be something more. Anyone have a theory or some insight? I just notice that the dragons do not stay in the same location on the list over time.
Well I finally got another 'special' dragon but still not one of the (true) rares of course :rolleyes:. To explain -

Yesterday morning I decided to start trying for another reindeer, while they are still available, thinking that it would be more likely/easier/quicker and thus less frustrating than my (seemingly) never-ending quest for rares (I've been getting rather discouraged and annoyed, heh). So, I brought back my trusty Plant x Bluefire combo and started breeding...and then spent ALL day incubating and hatching Flower dragons, haha. I did get a Poison twice to shake things up a little but was getting VERY sick of those Flowery faces.

They were great for helping me with my Plant and Fire shrines but I was beginning to doubt the wisdom of trying for another Reindeer because I was getting kind of frustrated with having to incubate and hatch every single hour/half hour for dragons I didnt really want...until right at the end of the day I finally got a 5 hour breeding time and nearly screamed out loud (but I try to avoid loud noises when the kids are in bed, haha).

Actually got it after a fair few tries with the changed order of Bluefire x Plant this time, as I'd swapped them just in exasperation to do SOMETHING different, heh

Yes, thankfully, this morning a new little Reindeer was just waiting to be hatched! Woohoo! :D

Now, to get back to getting me a new rare *determined face*
Hi all, I appeal to you all with a collective of plentiful information. I am trying to breed a sandstorm with earth and air but it telling me that the dragons are incompatible. What other combinations can I use?

Air x Mountain is another combo I have heard. I havent got one yet but I have also hardly tried, heh. (Too busy trying for other one!)
Hey guys! Just wanted to post that I got my 3rd and 4th moon dragons back to back using reindeer and storm. I used the epic breeding cave. Apparently the game wants to give me lots of moon dragons which is awesome because their my favorite. However, a sun dragon would be nice too since I don't have one yet.
A_Brittany said:
Hey guys! Just wanted to post that I got my 3rd and 4th moon dragons back to back using reindeer and storm. I used the epic breeding cave. Apparently the game wants to give me lots of moon dragons which is awesome because their my favorite. However, a sun dragon would be nice too since I don't have one yet.

Dumb question: can u getta sun at 11pm or is it prob another moon

Not a dumb question.

No one is sure if time of day has anything to do with whether you get a Sun or Moon as far as I know. The initial theory is that it WOULD make a difference but then people seemed to be getting ones they didnt expect with that theory. This also may be because of where the game is made/based compared to the local time where you are or it just might be completely random, haha. Sorry there's no certain answer!

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