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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

After despondency stein breeding all of the combinations found in this thread for a moon, I have now put sonic and snow in my epic cave with a 48 hour breed...woo hoo hoping it's my moon and then I will have them all and can start on my shrines. So thanks to everyone who has posted a combo of some description without which I wouldn't have got this far.

Yay, I hope it's what you are hoping for! :D

Surely I can get some of the good luck floating around now, huh, universe? ;)
So, I only ended up with one extra reindeer (I have 3 now, heh) as the second 5 hour breed turned out to be a Storm but still, crazy how it works :p
I have since got a 3rd 5 hour breed from the same pair though...so you never know what might result in about 4 or so hours, LOL
I will kep trying for Moons though *calls in lots and lots and lots of luck*

Yep, and now I have four (though the last one is still incubating) and, of course, I have yet another 5 hour breed time with the same pair...methinks Reindeers are trying to take over my island :eek:, hehe
(though of course I could get another Storm ;))
As expected, my 2 hour one was indeed a Sandstorm.. Sun and Rainbow still pending..
Also, i had completed the earth shrine.. So, just to try how a Level 15 dragon would look like, i decided to make one dragon to Level 15 and chose the Sandstorm which is already bigger than the other normal ones when at Level 10.
I was amazed to see how big the dragon has become now in Level 15, its so huge, bigger than the rares.. :)
Also, will try to complete the plant and fire shrines by today, thanks to poison and flower dragons..

Tips for Shrines:
Earth shrine - easiest way to complete is by buying earth eggs, hatching, leveling up and selling one after another..
Dont follow the same for plant.. its better to breed poisons and flowers and you can complete both plant and fire shrines as hatching fire alone takes more time..

Friends, please feel free to add any other tips to share..
My resend list is out of control... 50 friends not resend yet... Im so sorry...
N that number not include "and other gave u gems"
I will try to resend u gems as soon as i can
New player here but I juz gotten the 2nd rare in my incubator.

1st rare I got was moon.. reindeer + scorch

2nd rare now in incubator is rainbow.. scorch + mud

am starting to guess dat scorch has sth to do with rares, nt really sure though juz thought I'd share
merry christmas guys..

its crazy there are more and more combos..

storm and quake for a moon..

scorch and mud for a rainbow..

reindeer and storm for a bluefire..

hope this works for me as well..

btw poison is awesome for fire and plant shrines but i find it hard to earn 500,000dc in 30 mins lol.. so if i lack dc i swap in fire and mountain in the hopes of getting bluefire.. which also either gives me a mountain or a lava which can help me level up earth/fire/cold shrines.. hope that helps..

and ty for those who gave me gems.. sorry if i was not able to give back to all of you.. 50 gems to go weee...

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