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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

ilUli said:
Yea, I noticed. It hurt when I had to make the decision the other day between selling a dragon I don't need for shrines or selling one that is at level 11 and bringing the new one back up to that level. I decided to sell the newly hatched one and take the loss at the fire and plant shrines. There are definitely gold shrines in the future...keep breeding :)

That's y ud get the dragons past level ten until ur done with the shrines that will need that type of dragon
ilUli said:
Reverse psychology...I like it :)

I've been wondering though, why do people want to have more than one sun or moon? Rainbow makes more sense to me since it makes 400/minute...but sun and moon make less than other habitats at full capacity can make during the day. I suppose I need to do my math on how much I lose overnight or during the day when I don't empty my habitats, now that I might have a second moon coming. Hoping for a sun though.

I have 2 suns and moons simply for breeding purposes. If I want more, I know I can make them without trying to find a combo. Also, my suns and moons make roughly 45-50k every 2 hours (which is my normal span of time between visits to my islands) and the highest capacity normal habitat is earth at 75,000, but they're never close to full after 2 hours. They're at like 7k after 2 hours. So the sun and moon definitely make more for me.
That's y ud get the dragons past level ten until ur done with the shrines that will need that type of dragon

I know, I even posted a warning about this ages ago. Unfortunately it's so darn easy to feed too much by accident, going past level 10, when you don't get that automatic stop. It's like sending a text or email to the wrong person, you notice as soon as your finger hits the button, and there is no taking it back. So in this case I decided to go all the way to level 11.
ilUli said:
I know, I even posted a warning about this ages ago. Unfortunately it's so darn easy to feed too much by accident, going past level 10, when you don't get that automatic stop. It's like sending a text or email to the wrong person, you notice as soon as your finger hits the button, and there is no taking it back. So in this case I decided to go all the way to level 11.

Yeah ik how that is I did it to a couple of my dragons
I have 2 suns and moons simply for breeding purposes. If I want more, I know I can make them without trying to find a combo. Also, my suns and moons make roughly 45-50k every 2 hours (which is my normal span of time between visits to my islands) and the highest capacity normal habitat is earth at 75,000, but they're never close to full after 2 hours. They're at like 7k after 2 hours. So the sun and moon definitely make more for me.

Thank you, that makes perfect sense. I never pay much attention to how long it actually takes for my habitats to fill, I just know that some go fast, others are slow. during the day I just tap on them every now and then :o
I honestly didn't notice till you mentioned it and now I'm on a breeding craze so thank you  and now I'm gonna be Breeding on!!!!!

What? I was actually able to help you?! Lol. Awsome! Yeh, you can probably work on one of the updates that are coming up. :thumbs: I was wondering what would happen with it because I had to breed 2 more fire than plant so I decided to take a look when I finished the fire shrine and noticed that. Anyways your welcome. :) I'm glad to be able to give you a little something for all you give! Thanks for being you and all the help you give!
Reverse psychology...I like it :)

I've been wondering though, why do people want to have more than one sun or moon? Rainbow makes more sense to me since it makes 400/minute...but sun and moon make less than other habitats at full capacity can make during the day. I suppose I need to do my math on how much I lose overnight or during the day when I don't empty my habitats, now that I might have a second moon coming. Hoping for a sun though.

Yep, lol!!! I use it on the kids/grandkids enough, I may as well use it on myself. Hahaha

Well, for me I have 2 rainbows and I really like the sun and moon. That's pretty much why. (for myself) My hopes are one of these days we get new islands and more habitats. Having 2 of each will allow me to breed them whenever I want. Also hoping we get to gift eggs or dragons one day and I'll be able to breed them for other's if they want one and are having problems getting them. I also think 2 makes the islands look prettier. Must be a girly thing! Hahaha

It will be interesting to see why other's want them though. :thumbs: Great question! :)
What? I was actually able to help you?! Lol. Awsome! Yeh, you can probably work on one of the updates that are coming up. :thumbs: I was wondering what would happen with it because I had to breed 2 more fire than plant so I decided to take a look when I finished the fire shrine and noticed that. Anyways your welcome. :) I'm glad to be able to give you a little something for all you give! Thanks for being you and all the help you give!
Thank you!!! , now I've been breeding my tail off and I just noticed that I already have 101 in my plant shrine and all the others are above 80 so now I'm just breeding and breeding trying to get all the others to 101 and then keep them as even as I can till the next update which for everyone who read each post I'm sorry to say I talk with backflip and the update is still a work in progress so we're gonna have to be patient for a little while. And as usual Breed on!!!
What? I was actually able to help you?! Lol. Awsome! Yeh, you can probably work on one of the updates that are coming up. :thumbs: I was wondering what would happen with it because I had to breed 2 more fire than plant so I decided to take a look when I finished the fire shrine and noticed that. Anyways your welcome. :) I'm glad to be able to give you a little something for all you give! Thanks for being you and all the help you give!
Thanks GT your the best!
Hey guys just thought I'd update and say that I spent ages getting my plant shrine sorted. I took the easy option and went with plant lol. Now working on getting a heck load of earth eggs to level up.

In other news, my boyfriend currently has a sun egg in the hatchery, I'm so jealous cos he has a rainbow dragon as well which he got on the first try in the epic breeding cave. And all I still have is my moon, no sign of me getting anymore rates any time soon

Good luck on your shrines! Sounds like your moving right along! :thumbs:

Oh that is so not fair! :D Hope you get one soon!
I know, I even posted a warning about this ages ago. Unfortunately it's so darn easy to feed too much by accident, going past level 10, when you don't get that automatic stop. It's like sending a text or email to the wrong person, you notice as soon as your finger hits the button, and there is no taking it back. So in this case I decided to go all the way to level 11.

Oh man! I haven't leveled any up yet past 10. I will kerp it slow now that you mention it when I do level them up. Yikes!
Thank you!!! , now I've been breeding my tail off and I just noticed that I already have 101 in my plant shrine and all the others are above 80 so now I'm just breeding and breeding trying to get all the others to 101 and then keep them as even as I can till the next update which for everyone who read each post I'm sorry to say I talk with backflip and the update is still a work in progress so we're gonna have to be patient for a little while. And as usual Breed on!!!

Your welcome! Yeh, good thinking! I'm glad you think ahead. Saves my poor mind a little. I ALWAYS have a million things going at once so when I get on the game I really have to take a deep breath and try to slow down and think clearly or I will make mistakes that could cost me days on the game. Hahaha :thumbs: Ok, well we have a update coming. Good to know. I wonder how long the snow will stay and the reindeer...
Got the reindeer quick enough! But STILL working on rainbow and moon!! Dangit! Lol all I want for Xmas is a moon and rainbow.. Moon and rainbow! Lol I've tried allllll combos mentioned here and none have given me any luck.. I really want a moon!

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