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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

That's why I have 2 sun moon and rainbow cause they my money makers and I've noticed a lot of people selling rares and their habitats to do shrine goals but you don't have to all you have to do is sell some of your dragons even if you don't like it and it hurts you to do so, breed away get your goals then breed back the dragons you've sold. On another note I found a better way to power level up for whoever is trying to and has lots if gold, all you have to do is have all 8 farms making beanstalk and every hour you'll make 800,000 food and 20,000,000 exp so if you got the gold it's 40,000,000 every hour and trust me it's more than worth it. Breed on!!!

Yeh, I agree. But I like the looks of them too Haha. I won't sell my rares...no way. The others will go before they do. They were too darn hard to get. Oh yes, good tip! Thank you! :thumbs:
Hey everyone I received gems today and as usual when its more than 4 it won't give you the other names so apart from :
snicklegruber,gypsytart,julie2855, and kaazoo87 if you sent me a gem today please let me know on post or pm. Thanks and Breed on!!!

It really is not fair that they limit it. They shouldn't give them to us to give a way and then not show more than 4 when they are gifted to us...hope you get it figured out. I still haven't found out who I'm missing since the last time that happened to me. :(
Just wanted to pop back in after a long break and say I finally got my rainbow today and had enough gems to incubate and hatch!!! After a billion tries with seaweed and firefly. I kept selling my seaweeds/fireflys and replacing with new ones in the hope that older hybrids would make a difference. thought it would never happen.
Just wanted to pop back in after a long break and say I finally got my rainbow today and had enough gems to incubate and hatch!!! After a billion tries with seaweed and firefly. I kept selling my seaweeds/fireflys and replacing with new ones in the hope that older hybrids would make a difference. thought it would never happen.

Yay! It's great to hear some good news like this. Congrats :)
Emma_soji said:
Just wanted to pop back in after a long break and say I finally got my rainbow today and had enough gems to incubate and hatch!!! After a billion tries with seaweed and firefly. I kept selling my seaweeds/fireflys and replacing with new ones in the hope that older hybrids would make a difference. thought it would never happen.

Great! Hanks, now I know to keep trying and rwplacing

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