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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Hey everyone with the moon and sun dragons I have noticed that if you start breeding for a sun dragon with blue fire and storm or a fire and storm between the times of 7am and 3pm you are more like to get a sun dragon and between the Time of 5pm and 4 am you are more like to get a moon dragon. Well that's how I got mine any way I only used the fire and storm and blue fire and storm and got the dragons.

Hope this help any one trying to get their sun and moon dragons
MistaKuraudo said:
I've also been trying for a Rainbow for a while now too. I've been lucky enough to get my Sun and Moon, but after that, it's been nothing. Bred my Bluefire and Crystal dragons(Have 3 of each) well over 50 times already (using the 2 islands) and haven't come up with anything. I'm thinking this combination doesn't work for me. Can anyone confirm a combination that has worked in getting them a Rainbow please?

Quake and willow worked for me
I finally got a 48hr breeding time with quake on left and storm on the right. Could it be my second moon or my elusive sun which I've been trying for?
Brooklyn11220 said:
Hope it's the sun you've been waiting to get, good luck.

Thanks Brooklyn :) I guess we'll find out in about 46 hours and if it's my moon I'll still be happy but if it's my sun I'll be extremely happy and I'll let you all know :)
Cool thanks! Now just have to get a seaweed to breed with lol. I'm so far behind all you guys it's not funny! :D

Actually you're kinda in a good place right now, you get your shrines early. I don't even want to think about all the dragons I bread and tossed trying to get my first rainbow, let alone my second one. They could have counted towards some of the shrines.

And also, I sat at lvl20 forever not getting any credit for XP, kind of like I'm now at lvl 25 wasting XP.

I don't remember right now if you've got bone dragons. If not then this is the only drawback to starting later. Have fun catching up :)

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