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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Shavemeshavers said:
Page 13 read my post.

I tried the storm+sonic like 20 times and it didn't work. I also tried the crystal and blue fire. I still didn't get a moon dragon or sun dragon. Should I keep trying?
Brooklyn11220 said:
Friends no foul intended on the 100% what it means is that the combo works 100% it doesn't mean you'll get it on the first trybut with this combo you'll get the dragon eventually. In my and my friends experiences none of us have gotten any of the rare dragons on the first try it has taken us several tries but we all have them. Bone ,Bluefire ,Rainbow ,Blaze ,Sandstorm ,Sun and Moon take many tries. But trying the combos we all post will work it's just a matter of patience and time. Thank Everyone for your post and as usual any question just ask an we answer to the best of our knowledge. Breed On.

Somehow I managed to get my sandstorm on the first try.
Hi all, first of all thank u for excepting my friends request in GC. I saw a new player for Dragon Vale, so I made this breeding list. I' ve all the info from this forum from the first page until now, I also got it from other forum. this is the list

Fire + Earth = Lava
Fire + Earth = Bone ( October 2011)
Fire + Plant = Flower
Plant + Fire = poison
Earth + Plant = Moss
Plant + Earth = Tree
Lightning + Fire = Firefly
Lightning + Poison = Firefly
Cold + Earth = Mountain
Lightning + Earth = Quake
Cold + Lightning = Storm
Fire + water = Air
Cold + water = Ice
Plant + water = Swamp
Air + Plant = Willow
Earth + water = Mud
Lightning + Air = Sonic
Plant + water = seaweed
Earth + lightning = Crystal
Earth + Quake = Crystal
Cold + Air = Snow
Fire + air = Blazing
Air + Water = Fog
Fire + Ice = Bluefire
Fire + Mountain = bluefire
Fire + sonic = Scorch
Fire + Storm = Scorch
Fire + Lightning = Scorch
Tree + Air = Sandstorm
Mud + Air = Sandstorm
Moss + Air = Sandstorm

Rare Dragon (Rainbow, Moon and Sun)

RAINBOW ( white egg with rainbow dots)

Firefly + seaweed
Lava + Seaweed
Crystal + blazing
Flower + Storm
Moss + sonic
Blazing + Mud


Sonic + Storm
Bluefire + Crystal
Mud + Storm


Sonic + Storm
Crystal + Bluefire
Bone + Storm

Tips : Some people are very lucky to breed them in one try, some can try several times. Some not using Boost building they say will increase possiblelities and some also said to put the flag and breed them in the right time. there also a trick that to breed rainbow you should put rainbow habitat in one island alone.

All the information above is a conclusion, I didn' t get them by my self, information source from iPF forum and google (other forum)

Me my self still struggle with rainbow dragon hahahahaha

Good Luck and breed on

ps: feel free to quote, add etc.
after several attempts, im 101% SURE that Blue Fire + Crystal dragon can breed both Sun & Moon dragon & the sequence of 1st & 2nd dragon doesn't matter at all. I got both Sun & Moon dragon in this sequence (Blue Fire- 1st dragon) + (Crystal - 2nd dragon). And also the timing of breeding & hatching does not affect for getting a sun & moon dragon (tested & proven as both dragons are breeded out during the same time of the day within that 2hrs) & it took me many tries to do so. I would strongly recommend u guys to try this combination as I manage to get 2 rainbows while trying to breed for Sun & Moon. Free feel to add & visit me if u wanna see proof.

PS: Juz for info, im lvl 20, my blue fire & crystal are both at lvl 10.

Gd luck everyone :D
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Just bred blue fire and crystal in that order and got my first 48 hr incubating egg. Took two tries. My 8 remaining gems won't help so here I wait. Nice feeling to see the long breed time. ;)
ooBiegohth0 said:
This is a good idea I think things like how to breed the new dragons for the new guys, how to level up when you get a higher level, where to place things to get full advantage if bonuses and space ect ect. So first il ask that maybe someone could post a list of dragons and how to breed them?

scrool ur page coz I already gave all the list. same page . good luck
Just goes to show good things happen when you pay attention to your friends! First, I got rid of the boost buildings on the island I had my breeding cave. I used blue fire and crystal, both level 10, and got the sun dragon on the second try!
Charley6138 said:
Just goes to show good things happen when you pay attention to your friends! First, I got rid of the boost buildings on the island I had my breeding cave. I used blue fire and crystal, both level 10, and got the sun dragon on the second try!

Congrats. See, I told you moving the boost buildings works, although I seriously don't know why. Again, congrats on the sun :)

Try sonic + storm for moon. That's how I got both my second sun and my moon.
gabriela299 said:
Yes! First try with that combination and I got 12 hours! Thanks! I'm getting my blue fire!!!!! :-)

Congrats! Enjoy the blue fire. They make a hell of a lot of coins for normal dragons.
Glad I could help haha

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