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Dropbox Referral Thread.

I saw this on other PC modding site that I go to and figured this will work here too since many here like Dropbox for iPad. Credit goes to devkinetic from [H]ard|Forum and below is basically what he said.

If you are not familiar, Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers. It keeps unlimited revisions and is accessible anywhere as well via the web interface.

Please post your referral link and keep it updated with how many referrals you have left. When you hit your limit, (8 gigs) please remove your link so the next person can get some referral credit. I will keep this post updated with the list of upcoming users links. Please let me know when you reach your referral cap.

UPDATE: For reference you can get up to 8GB of free space through the referral program and you get 256mb per referral. If your on a free account @ 2GB your limit would be when you reach 10GB of space on your dropbox. Also, if this takes off I'll take the first 100 links posted and call it a round.

Basically, we can follow this rule except that whoever next in line gets full referral, just delete your post and replace it with big [COLOR=“red”]THANK YOU![/COLOR] so next in line can start to get their referrals.

That said, I'll start with mine first. :D


I figured I clean up the order of referral. Please use referral on top first!!! I'll take out the top one once it's full.

1. ]Use this one firsthttp://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTEwMDY4NjIwOQ

2. Gerry
3. grin.van
4. joephoto
5. 1991-C4
6. frescogear
7. Maximo
8. Kingsmuse
9. Dynamic
10. Knightskid
11. skelegore
12. Protegeone
13. epb
14. lovestuff4free
15. lausai
16. sfan27

Hi in normal size that will be also ok … NO , no need to write in so big than we can read it on our iPad
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How should we be using this thread, btw? When I joined, I started at the top of the list, but shouldn't we be taking turns - working down the list as people join, so that it benefits everyone? Maybe that's just crazy talk...
I suppose we can try your way but I see two issues right away.

1. It will be very hard to keep track of who gets next since it's constantly changing.

2. You will probably get only one referral as more people join in, they get to take next one that could have gone back to beginning. Basically as new people join in, they will be on the list right away so unless people stops joining in, you probably only get one and never get referral again.

How should we be using this thread, btw? When I joined, I started at the top of the list, but shouldn't we be taking turns - working down the list as people join, so that it benefits everyone? Maybe that's just crazy talk...

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