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Dropped my iPhone 6 Plus

See? All better.

View attachment 64337

I expected the case to be a bit grippier in hand than the bare iPhone, but there appears to be an unexpected bonus. It looks like it will stay put in my front shirt pocket when I bend forward. At least with this shirt. I'll have to do some more, careful experimentation before I decide it is safe there full time.

That's how it got broken. I like to put it there, for quick access when I am playing on the computer. I had completely forgotten it was in that pocket, until I bent over to pick up the dog's food dish.
It looks perfect. I like the Wallpaper.
It looks perfect. I like the Wallpaper.

Thanks. It's weird. It almost feels as good as getting a new device. Other than a few dings in the aluminum it looks perfect. And those are now covered by the case: navy blue, though it looks black in the photo.
I was using the same blue leather case when I got my 6 Plus. The colour actually gets darker with use as the case absorbs skin oils.
I love your wallpaper screen, Twerppoet! I am still undecided on which phone to get. I really like the 6 plus, but get "convinced" by others that it's too big. I like the case you have on it too. It doesn't make it look/feel bigger unlike some cases like the otter box.
I love your wallpaper screen, Twerppoet! I am still undecided on which phone to get. I really like the 6 plus, but get "convinced" by others that it's too big. I like the case you have on it too. It doesn't make it look/feel bigger unlike some cases like the otter box.

First - congrats on a successful replacement, twerppoet! I know it's a sad day when the "toys" get broken - glad to hear it was a quick and easy fix. And you're back in business.

@skimonkey. Don't let others convince you the iPhone 6 Plus is "too big"! Yes, it's big. Yes, it's bigger than any other iPhone Apple makes (or ever made). But...

Think of how you usually use your phone and make the decision that way. I can tell you that my 6+ spends its time (with no case, BTW) in my left trouser pocket, by itself. It fits fine there whether I'm wearing sweat pants or capris (which I now can cause its warmer!! :) ). Or, it'll sit on my desk until I go to stand up, then back in the left pocket it goes. I only notice it when it's NOT there cause I've built up a "ghost" feeling, kind of like wearing a seatbelt.

And oh, the screen! So big! So shiney! :) My old eyes so like me for getting this phone.

Sorry for going all enthusiastic all over your thread, TP. But I just couldn't help myself. :D

First - congrats on a successful replacement, twerppoet! I know it's a sad day when the "toys" get broken - glad to hear it was a quick and easy fix. And you're back in business.

@skimonkey. Don't let others convince you the iPhone 6 Plus is "too big"! Yes, it's big. Yes, it's bigger than any other iPhone Apple makes (or ever made). But...

Think of how you usually use your phone and make the decision that way. I can tell you that my 6+ spends its time (with no case, BTW) in my left trouser pocket, by itself. It fits fine there whether I'm wearing sweat pants or capris (which I now can cause its warmer!! :) ). Or, it'll sit on my desk until I go to stand up, then back in the left pocket it goes. I only notice it when it's NOT there cause I've built up a "ghost" feeling, kind of like wearing a seatbelt.

And oh, the screen! So big! So shiney! :) My old eyes so like me for getting this phone.

Sorry for going all enthusiastic all over your thread, TP. But I just couldn't help myself. :D


I always appreciate your input on technology Marilyn! I went to the store to look at them again and have now decided that my next phone will be the iPhone 6 plus. I know that the 6 is larger than the 5, but it doesn't give me that "wow" factor that it's a whole lot different in size than my current phone. I agree with you too in that I don't really use my phone to call people. Sad, but true. I'm not one to stay on the phone and talk for hours. Give me 15 min max and I am already getting restless. I am more of a texter. I do use my phone to check email, browse the web, etc. So that bigger screen will make me very happy!

PS...I will be getting a case for it to. I don't trust myself going naked with it.

PSS-...Sorry TP for using your thread to discuss this! Glad you got your phone fixed...and Red Robin...love that place. We have one next to work and go there at times. The Turkey burger is delicious! :)
Oh, TPoet, I am glad I read this when the happy ending was alsoincluded!:)
This is something that should never happen to someone as wonderful and helpful as you.:( However, you seemed to have recovered with an extra bonus! All is good with the cover.
I, however, am, as usual confused! :oops: Did you sign up for Apple Care? Is it just an extended insurance? Or something new? Did you have to pay for the cover? Did you have to pay for anything, besides gas :cool: getting there, or was EVERYTHING covered? I still remember the day you bought it and you ultra-delight! It was wonderful! And now, as I said,a HAPPY ENDING!!! The very best kind! Thanks for enlightening the rest of us.
I did pay for AppleCare. It's $100 for an iPhone (if I remember right), and has to be purchased at the same time, or very soon after.

AppleCare inclues three major benefits. It extends your hardware warrantee by a year (for a total of two years). It gives you free Apple Tech Support for two years. Normally you only get 90 days of free support after you buy your iOS device. And it gives you two Accident Replacements. Those aren't quite free. You have to pay a $79 service fee; but that beats the heck out of buying a new, off contract, iPhone.

I did have to buy the case. But I had heard good things about the leather cases and planned on getting one anyway. If I'd procrastinated a bit less it might have saved the day.
If you'd like some extra insurance with the phone in the shirt pocket, slip one of those large rubber bands the postal workers bundle your mail in over it, TP. Will give extra friction to that case when you bend over. I use one with my 5 in a folio case, so have to remove it to answer, but you only need to do that when viewing the web, etc.
They stretch over time, but a steady supply seems to arrive in the mail.
Glad you're back in business. Thanks for the updates.
It's an interesting idea, however I never receive enough mail to rate a rubber band. :)

I suppose I could actually buy one or two, but so far the case alone seems to be enough.
I like the Wallpaper on new phone ;)
One of my friends dropped her 6 and had to pay bucks to get a new phone. I remember the touch screen ob previous 4/5 series can be replaced separately. I just don't see the point why they'll change this design on 6/6p. That would make things easier.
I like the Wallpaper on new phone ;)
One of my friends dropped her 6 and had to pay bucks to get a new phone. I remember the touch screen ob previous 4/5 series can be replaced separately. I just don't see the point why they'll change this design on 6/6p. That would make things easier.

Because the integrated one piece design is both thinner, lighter and looks better, making the display look more like it's on the glass instead of under the glass. It may also require less power. All of which have been the driving forced behind all the iOS display upgrades over the years.

It's also probably why most Apple Stores are now equipment to replace your iPhone screen while you wait, (mine took about an hour), and it's cheaper than it used to be.

If your friend got a new phone there was probably more wrong than the screen, or that particular Apple Store was not equipped to replace it. I was offered a new phone, but chose to have the screen replaced, because it saved me hours of restoring and re-syncing my data. It's 64 GB, and about ⅔rds full.
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Because the integrated one piece design is both thinner, lighter and looks better, making the display look more like it's on the glass instead of under the glass. It may also require less power. All of which have been the driving forced behind all the iOS display upgrades over the years.

It's also probably why most Apple Stores are now equipment to replace your iPhone screen while you wait, (mine took about an hour), and it's cheaper than it used to be.

If your friend got a new phone there was probably more wrong than the screen, or that particular Apple Store was not equipped to replace it. I was offered a new phone, but chose to have the screen replaced, because it saved me hours of restoring and re-syncing my data. It's 64 GB, and about ⅔rds full.
Thanks twerppoet. I was planning to update my 5s but hesitated to decide which one to take. It's good to know screen can be replaced alone!

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