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External USB storage Support on JB iPad 2 4.3.3

anyone figured out how to get the powered usb drive to work yet? is there away? it's useless if it's only SD card & flash drive. I need my 500GB drive
cgtorrent said:
anyone figured out how to get the powered usb drive to work yet? is there away? it's useless if it's only SD card & flash drive. I need my 500GB drive

Is it formatted as fat32? NTFS can not be read by iOS since it is a format only windows can read.
OUTL4W said:
Is it formatted as fat32? NTFS can not be read by iOS since it is a format only windows can read.

In my case it does not seem to help that the drive is exterrnally powered or fat32. Still no reaction when I plug it in. Has anyone actually got this working (on the ipad 2)?
if my 500GB usb drive is formatted as FAT then i still have to use terminal to mount for iFILE to see it. it doesn't show up automatically like the SD card. Mac OSX extended format is not mountable either. So for now is FAT but have to use terminal to mount & couldn't unmount... have to restart the ipad for it to go away... very annoying.
if my 500GB usb drive is formatted as FAT then i still have to use terminal to mount for iFILE to see it. it doesn't show up automatically like the SD card. Mac OSX extended format is not mountable either. So for now is FAT but have to use terminal to mount & couldn't unmount... have to restart the ipad for it to go away... very annoying.

Can you pls share how you mount the 500gb drive from the terminal?
What are the cmmands?
CyberPower mobile hub is nice, but also can consider Hyperdrive HD case at $100. Has onboard rechargeable battery and you can fit with any SATA drive (...I assume it works on ipad2...): buy online at hypershop.com

A bit overpriced...it would be nice to try find out which USB chipset/ solution these Hyper guys use within the case to make this HD mounted on ipad even without JB...
Try to summarize ipad2 JB 4.3.3 & cck based on my experience:

* SD/SDHC - 100% works (at least upto 32G...)
* USB thumbdrive - Only issue with ipad2 limited current 30mA;Fix by using externally powered hub (battery if you want mobile!) about $40
* USB HD - That's the tricky one. In addition to 30mA current limit, apparently requires 'digital camera protocol' !?; Fix by buying Hyperdrive enclosure HDIP-000 about $100

Anyone lucky with a different setup? Any info on this 'digital camera protocol' of weird 'mounting cmd line stuff'?
danialbi said:
Try to summarize ipad2 JB 4.3.3 & cck based on my experience:

* SD/SDHC - 100% works (at least upto 32G...)
* USB thumbdrive - Only issue with ipad2 limited current 30mA;Fix by using externally powered hub (battery if you want mobile!) about $40
* USB HD - That's the tricky one. In addition to 30mA current limit, apparently requires 'digital camera protocol' !?; Fix by buying Hyperdrive enclosure HDIP-000 about $100

Anyone lucky with a different setup? Any info on this 'digital camera protocol' of weird 'mounting cmd line stuff'?

I want to add that i have been using the following usb thumbs without any problems :
1) kingston data traveler 16gb
2) sandisk 32gb
3) transcend 64gb

All connected to cyberpower battery charged USB hub
Hey guys my first post here, so if these are silly Qs please be gentle :)

I've read the whole of this thread. I'm basically trying to work out whether to pay extra for more storage in my iPad. Any help with these Qs would be much appreciated! :)

1) I might have this horribly wrong, but am I right in thinking that if I buy an iPad 2 and JB it, I'll be able to add certain SD or USB drives to it and use it like extra storage?

2) If this is so I specifically would love to know if it's only for pics/vids or can I basically just use it for any files, just like a normal storage extension?

3) If so, is it easy to access via iPad?

4) Lastly - and this is possibly the most stupid Q of all but - is there a way of installing apps onto this extra drive? If so it would just be super awesome as I still have a concern that I may need more than 16GB of space merely to be able to install lots of space-hungy apps!

Thanks in advance for any help :D
Hi, and welcome.

1) Yes, but SD is much easier than USB - USB either needs an externally powered drive or a USB flash stick which draws very little power. It's a little hit or miss. Make sure you get one which is confirmed to work if you go the USB route. But as I say, SD is 100% reliable.

2) You can use it for anything once jailbroken. Only for pics and vids if you are stock.

3) You need an app like iFile (from the Cydia store once you are jailbroken). This is a bit like Windows explorer / OSX Finder and lets you have full access to the iPad's storage and connected devices.

4) No, you can't install apps on an external drive. IOS isn't built that way. Sorry. Should have bought a 64GB!

Hope that helps. One last thing though. There is no guarantee that you will get a 4.3.3 iPad2 which is the ONLY one you can jailbreak, and the chances are diminishing every day. There is no way round downgrading a new one that you get if it does not have this version. You will be stuck with a stock device until a JB is released for IOS5 (it is very unlikely there will be anything else for 4.x now).
Thanks for your quick and thorough reply fatboy! Your answers provoke more questions from me (apologies if this is thread-hijacking, that's not what I intend!) .

1) I haven't bought an iPad yet so may well end up getting a bigger capacity one. If I have a bunch of mp3s on the SD card will they be readily available to the iPad iPod app or will I need to load them up to the main internal memory each time?

2) I know it's heard to say but even with the SD add-on, given that I'll likely throw on dictionaries/lots of games/apps etc, is it likely that 16GB will not be enough room for app installs and 32GB would be more adviseable?

3) (unrelated really) I had no idea about 4.3.3 being vital. I a fully aware it's very difficult to be certain but in your opinion do you think iPad2 iOS5 will be jailbreakable? Because if not I may well steer well clear of iPad altogether.

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