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FM Transmitter for iPad?

Did you look at the blubridge made by miccus? It's compact and runs on its built in rechargable battery so it looks ideal for cars. Unless you're looking for a permenant solution.
Yeah, I saw that one too. My goal is to make something "semi-permanent" by getting a speaker enclosure where I can fit a small amp and the Bluetooth receiver and the circuitry necessary to provide the proper voltage to the components. This would be going in the back of a Corvette so there isn't a whole lot of room. I am not looking for something that will shake the fillings out of my teeth or a 15" sub-woofer, just something where I can hear the music with the targa top off.

well i just got my bluetooth receiver and it works pretty damn well. there is no noticeable degradation of sound quality (to my untrained ears, at least), and the latency is very small. the audio on videos are pretty much in sync.

i realize this has little to do with the original question but just thought i'd share.
FM transmitters are a good choice for this type of use.

I would like to stream my music from my iPad through my car radio. Has anyone found such a device for their iPad? Can we use something that is made for the iPod Touch?

FM transmitters are a good choice for this type of use.

I would like to introduce you a great site where you can find fm transmitter

fmheroes is the name of the site

You can order great fm transmitters from them
Yeah i just have found 1 from German supplier. they also have that in amazon.de.
seems really cool device. just bought one and i am totally happy and satisfied with it. The item is called Technaxx X4000. you can google it and buy online
I would like to stream my music from my iPad through my car radio. Has anyone found such a device for their iPad? Can we use something that is made for the iPod Touch?

Funny I tried my old Monster FM receiver for ipod in my car and I was able to listen to a radio station about 460 km from my home on the radio through my ipad using a celluar connection .. only downside it doesn't charge the battery like it did on the ipod
The Technaxx is not available in the US yet. I found one on the Amazon.UK site, but I could not determine or order one from the German site. Would be willing to go through a third party to order one from Germany if the price is favorable over the UK conversion. 42 pounds sounds a bit much, but maybe not really that bad compared to the Euro.

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