Hi Carol - I love meat pies & yours looks delicious! :thumbs:
Our community was started back in the 1750s by a Moravian religious group from PA - in the next decade the town of Salem was found (united in 1913 to form our hyphenated city of Winston-Salem) - BUT, Chicken Pie is a centuries old specialty - a recipe HERE from our NC state magazine - there are so many variations - Dave![]()
That's a great recipe, Dave. Thanks for sharing that with me. I love having a variety of different ways to make meat pies. It turned out very good, especially with it starting to get cold out. My recipe includes low fat potato and chicken cream soups, cut up carrots, frozen peas. I also add mushrooms and diced potatoes to it.
I must say ski (wistfully looking at watch, still two hours to go before dinner) that looks delicious! Not that a Thanksgiving turkey falls into any class of "leftovers", but that's a great way of enjoying it. Am I wrong to think that would make a great lunch having a slice of that pie cold with a nice glass of beer?
You're right about the beer, however, you will need to heat the meat pie because it needs to be served hot.

Here's the matzo ball recipe. I add some parsley (fresh or dried) and leave the batter sitting at least an hour. Manischewitz - Manischewitz Matzo Balls
For the soup, I place a cut-up chicken in water to cover, adding salt and pepper and a bay leaf, bring to a boil then turn heat to simmer for one hour. Skim off protein scum. Remove chicken to cool, leaving the broth in the pot. When chicken is cool, break it up into chunks.
Meanwhile, on medium heat, in chicken's broth, cook 2 stalks of celery, one quartered onion and 2 carrots (more of each, if you want.) Some people also add parsnips. Cook for one hour. Add shredded chicken and previously cooked matzo balls. Shortly before serving add sprigs of fresh parsley and dill (if you add them too soon they lose flavor).
I love soup recipes, can't wait to check this one out, Suenc! Thank you for sharing your secrets!